ITT: Hack symbolism that went nowhere.
ITT: Hack symbolism that went nowhere
what does it symbolize?
>he doesn't know it's foreshadowing gus's death
hack symbolism
Writers and creator literally said it's "open for interpretation" because they themselves have no fucking clue what it was supposed to represent. They just wanted a mystery hook to keep people going, ala their own "rosebud".
How did one plane not see the other?
>heh subverted. It's a teddy bear
symbolism that a chain of events murdered men, women, and children when two airliners crashed into each other.
The sunrise symbolizes a sunrise.
yup, they admitted that they don't know what these flashforwards are even for when they first start writing them.
Unironically BCS is a much more refined product than BrBa.
They're just different tones of the same writing. If you want a story driven by action, BrBa is the way to go. If you want a story driven by dialogue, BCS is what you go for. But that matches the theme of the shows. BrBa is all about a man who feels emasculated and is trying to take back power in his life and BCS is all about a guy talking his way out of a situation.
Whether they knew or not initially, did you finish the season/series and still not get it? Walt's callousness, selfishness, and cruelty for letting one particular person die results in the plane crash. By being willfully culpable for the one death (outside of self defense circumstances), Walt is basically indifferent and apathetic to the lives of people generally mattering. The bear represents the tragic and immense cost of Walt's monstrous progression.
the strength of the first two or three episodes gave me faith in the show that carried past this point delusionally, since in those days i didn't know how television is made.
I would never recommend anyone to watch past the first series now. even past ep like 3
yeah, and that's shovelware tier wrapup.
they tried to put the humor back in bcs but they didn't pull it off
But that's not really a symbol. That's literally what happens. Like, a flower in the middle of a wasteland is supposed to represent hope. But if a person walks up and steps on the flower, it's a shitty symbolism of "no hope" because the wasteland itself already represents no hope. So it's like, wasteland (no hope), flower (no hope). It's a redundant symbol.
We know just by watching the show that Walt's actions got innocent people killed, a bear doesn't further that symbolism.
Whether you liked it or not though, how is that "going nowhere" as stated in the OP? It went somewhere, and it made sense.
it's going nowhere because they only gave meaning to it at the very end, when they had to.
This is a good theory but the truth is they never planned anything that far ahead.
And yet just by seeing it, and knowing everything that led up to having a charred pink bear, all of Walt's deeds are brought to mind.
Following your argument's logic, a cross is just literally how Jesus was said to have been crucified. We know how he died and it was on a cross, seeing one doesn't push that any further. But does the cross not symbolize sacrifice and hope for millions of people? It's not a leap to attach the associated actions, people, and concepts with one tidy image. The bear still works as a symbol, even if you think it's a bad one.
it's not a symbol, it's an asspull
A symbol brought on by real-world events (Adapting the cross as a religious symbol in honor of Jesus) is much different than a story symbol, which are often meant to be a lot less literal.
Like, if you asked someone to draw a picture that symbolizes war, they might draw an atomic bomb explosion because it's real-world imagery. But if you have a story involving the eventual lead up to an atom bomb detonating, you can't say, "The atom bomb explosion symbolizes war". It quite literally is an image of war, not a symbol of one.
based schoolmarm user
As unnecessary as the thing with the bear was, your analogy was incorrect.
Stepping on a flower in a wasteland isn't a redundant symbol, because it represents the destruction of what little hope there is. If you just show a wasteland, that doesn't necessarily get the same point across.
That infuriates me. They are extremely talented hacks that manage to write themselves out of a corner each time. I'm worried about better call Saul because of this. Their luck is about to run out eventually. Why the fuck can't they just plan ahead?
>what a """well written, refined show""""
>if only it was slightly engaging and memorable in any way
It represents Walt going to the dark side
I mean, Walt was wearing pink in that same scene
I'm not in agreement. In the saying "The pen is mightier than the sword," a pen is literally an instrument of diplomacy/legislation and the sword is literally an instrument of war/conflict, and yet they act as tidy little symbols in the saying. You can't say that the saying is literal because obviously a pen loses to a sword in might, the objects are being used figuratively for what they symbolize.
I think that the bear can still stand in as a catch-all symbol for Walt's 'evil' for that season, even though it was a result of his actions. But I fully understand your point and it is well-reasoned.
...all the episodes just seem to mush together huh
retards not realizing that shows aren't filmed in chronological order and they do millions of takes and cuts, and also delete some scenes
>not every scene of BCS is bob odenkirk