Kisame... let's go
Kisame... let's go
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>you will never roam ninja land with your shark best friend
He killed millions
how many times are you going to make this thread
No, he only killed a few hundred of his clan because his nation told him to.
Why did he prenounce the name weird? Its spelled Kih-say-m
Kih - sa - me
>haven't watched naturo
Should I watch it /tv?/
It’s decent yeah
Kisame revealing he actually liked and respected Itachi as a friend was kino.
No, yes the side characters are better than Naruto and Sasuke. Skip filler and you'll like it a lot more than I do
Its way too long with the food shit spread too thin, pass
it might be the best shonen garbage of all time but it ain´t no berserk that´s for sure, expect a lot of exposition and each battle being dragged on for 10 episodes, a lot of filler
Yes but stop at Shippuden (or SHITpudding, as I like to call it)
skip that and watch hunter x hunter, the show that naruto lifted a lot of their ideas and some characters from. it starts of really shitty but gets good. i had to pick it up a second time and gave it a chance. as someone who hates anime for shitty writing and characters hunter x hunter is the best shonen and has the best anime arc of all time with the chimera ants.
racist ass nigga
skip all fillers of naruto and naruto shippuden, watch boruto movie and nothing else
and you have a pretty nice story worth your time
naruto is better
>racist ass nigga
Yes. Fuck Uchihas
Every day until you like it
>guitar and banjos in the distance
This was the last anime I watched. Has anything good come out since?
found the uchigger, itachi should have killed you all
>tfw bailed just before chimera ants
I was so tired of it. Is the CA arc really that good?
what's the uchiha version of an uncle tom called?
naruto does a lot of things better and maybe it's all opinion like better world, style, etc but as a medium whose purpose is to tell a story it's in no way better. the naruto anime/manga started pulling shit out their asses because they had no idea what to do or where to take the story to due to doing shit on the fly. that is completely unacceptable whether in video games, movies, cartoons, etc
this move killed literally no one despite being hyped up for over a hundred episodes and being used over a dozen times
i fucking hate anime