Weird how the X Files never had an episode about Bigfoot

Weird how the X Files never had an episode about Bigfoot

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That sounds like the opinion of a 90s born queer reddit tourist.

Is there anything that isn’t Reddit?

Maybe saying sneed?

started by a 15 year old reddit spic and picked up by brainless zoomers and discord scum.

Wasn't there an episode where Mulder fell in love with a hairy forest primate woman and was upset they killed her at the end?

It would be cheap low hanging fruit.

She was the jersey devil

Unlike vampires, demons and werewolves

I fucking hate zoomers and 90s born queers so much.

But isn't the actual Jersey Devil more of a bat/demon like thing than a simian?

>the actual jersey devil

There is no actual jersey devil

you're such a sad boy

the jersey devil is real and it’s a bat-demon-horse NOT a hairy apelike creature. the xfiles did do a bigfoot episode but cashed in on the good name of the jersey devil for their dumb show

this show is unironically the most comfy show i have ever watched, but only the monster of the week standalone episodes that have nothing to do with the main story.

>There is no actual jersey devil
Ah, if only that were true.


this, the monster of the week episodes are kino and some of my favorite tv ever produced but i just literally could not care less about the overarching mythology

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Lone Gunman episodes = Peak Comfy.

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add zoomer faggots.

ultimate trivia moment a.k.a. something I can't figure out: what episode featured a character named "mr gotiea" (pronounced go-tea-aye)? It was within the first 4 seasons. And I probably misspelled his name.

spare the faggot brackets reddit nigger

deepthroat my prolapsed anus you retarded faggot

>confirming there's no such thing as a straight male born after 1989

joan gauthier in piper maru?

you're a goddamned hero. thanks man

The overarching story is good at the beginning, especially the shady smoking man and when their supervisor was against them but I agree the monster of the week stuff was the best

My favorite was alex crycheck.

Yes there is, or was. But that's a rabbit hole.

Same story with Supernatural

Reminder supernatural is faggot shit for holes and homos

What's wrong user, can't deal with some brotherly love?

Those threads are always full of homos and women, redditfag generals are cancer.