Me on the right

Me on the right

Attached: rey4.webm (640x900, 2M)

>/tvs first interaction with a gril

God I wish that were me

post megan

He's genuinely mentally retarded or something right?

tfw no

even from behind you can tell

Did she smell nice?

You wish you were a morbidly obese autistic manchild consoomer hugging a misserable actress with plain looks that's painfully uncomfortable but has to do her (((job)))?
Or do you wish you were a misserable actress with plain looks that's painfully uncomfortable but has to do her (((job))) being hugged by morbidly obese autistic manchild consoomer?

>use the fork, luke!

Attached: d56.gif (280x302, 3.63M)

The hip sway gets me every time

I wish he would of shit himself.
Imagine the smell.

If you are an adult male and consoom children's media, this is extremely likely the case.

>would of
You would probably be good friends with him

>If you are an adult male and consoom children's media, this is extremely likely the case.

Attached: 1585679486907.webm (672x904, 570.83K)

This poor chick is out of a job now. Megan too.

That tard was built for BBC

You think she got impressed and he got her number?

it's an epic maymay newfaf

>it's an epic maymay newfaf

Ok trannoid. Now back to >>>/reddit/

Attached: pure cringe.webm (1222x1080, 1.8M)

giant tards are unsettling as fuck.
you don't know when they'll unleash their tard strength and rape the nearest cutie.



you h e c k i n owned me

Attached: oof.png (841x797, 145.2K)

>tfw near-exact same physical build and personal style as this guy

Keep talking I just keep talking and the retard won't start wailing and rape me

He banged her in his hotel room that night.

She doesn't look uncomfortable at all. You're reaching

He probably whispered "I love you" when he hugged her.

Attached: apeman.jpg (1200x1630, 200.9K)

For real. Me and my brother would get an autistic to buy us beer a long time ago but had to pretend we wanted to hang out with him. He came over once and my bro is trying to help him play guitar because he "loves punk like Green day" and he starts screaming in his face he can't do it and that "you want me to break my fucking fingers?" The tard is like 6'3" and neither of us had ever been in a confrontation so we were uneasy the whole time until he left.

He's clearly not all there, this is nice.

>that split second she was ready for a kiss when he went to hug her
she must know that tards are hung

nice selfie