Let me just profit off of a bad situation by playing short clips and news stories from twitter with some vague positive...

>Let me just profit off of a bad situation by playing short clips and news stories from twitter with some vague positive commentary!

Attached: some-good-news-john-krasinski.png (2028x998, 2.03M)

my mom sent this to me and my brother. i asked her if she meant to send it to our sisters. it's like she doesn't know us at all, why the fuck would two grown ass men want to watch this gay shit

why is he a red bloated alcoholic now is he hanging out with Ben and Jimmy Fallon?

dude's got the bourbon bloat face, fucking idiots think you can drink hard liquor everyday and it wont affect you.

I thought Americans were capitalists, yet any time anyone makes money in a slightly off putting way you never hear the end of it.

>looking good mate

Attached: Aussie_shitposting.webm (1336x736, 746.47K)

Don't be such a nega

>it’s another “alcoholic degenerate shitbag tells you “yeah dude vodka doesn’t smell at all bro nuhuh no way lol” even though you can clearly smell it on their breath” episode

Be nice to your mother you worthless faggot

it's almost like america is a fucking huge country with different types of people

Does bloat face go away once you stop drinking? Asking for a friend who quit drinking 6 days ago...

Fuck this government kike shill.

Alcohol is my friend. I can't say no to such a wonderful thing.

noooooo, you can't hate on Jim. he's from my favorite tv show

t. zoomers and millenials

Because when time passes people age and their appearance changes. It might happen to you one day.


Reminder the guy is CIA. Remember him shilling so hard for the CIA? I remember Twitter going berzek about that awhile back

no i don't remember that

You just outed yourself with the spacing

Oh please. He probably got one walking tour of Langley and creamed his jeans.

wow i didn't know jim loves glowniggers. he's much more based than i thought. fuck this SGN shit though


maybe your mom thinks you're gay?





Have you ever done anything that has brought joy to anyone?

This made me laugh harder than it should have

Finish your White Zin and go to bed Jenna.


respect your elders, bitchboy

>Let me just make the same thread over and over and samefag and generally troll outside of Yas Forums because I am afraid to troll anyplace except Yas Forums

Halperts a prick, never really liked him, his movie sucked too. Fuck you Jim.

>bourbon bloat face

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