For decades, men not wanting to watch TV and movies geared towards females was considered normal, and vice versa...

For decades, men not wanting to watch TV and movies geared towards females was considered normal, and vice versa, honestly. Women steered clear of macho action movies and men didn't want to watch romcoms.
Now, though, it's become somewhat of controversial thing to say if men don't want to watch say, an all-female version of Ghostbusters, which is obviously geared more towards females. Sure, they may have changed demographics from what it was originally intended for, but are people not allowed to notice that change in demographics and react accordingly?

Attached: ghostbusters1.0.jpg (1200x800, 197.22K)

its pc culture gone mad. I herd about it on Yas Forums

I'm sure you did.

i didn’t see this movie
i don’t know anyone who saw this movie
why do i open these dumb culture war threads

Because you secretly like it.

>it's become somewhat of controversial thing to say if men don't want to watch say, an all-female version of Ghostbusters
Controversial among who? The media? Fine, but I can assure you if you interact with normal people in real life, no one is questioning that generally guys like guy films and girls like guy films (if watching with a guy) as well as girl films. It's always been that way. Few if any people actually like what is happening to the media. It's just propaganda being forced on us to break us. No one asked for it (the shills on Twitter dont count, either. They dont actually watch it)

on a plane i saw this grown ass man watching a children's movie by himself. it perplexed me. i get it if you have kids, or even if you watch your old favorite from your childhood for nostalgia, but this was clearly a new movie. there were little gay animals dancing around a shit.

girl i was fucking before corona told me her favorite films were The Godfather, Life is Beautiful, and the Pianist, and some other holocaust movie. Didn't know whether to be pleased in her good taste or concerned that 3/4 were holocaust movies

Not just the media, normies will chastise you for being sexist

It's Hollywood using PC culture to boost the box office. If you can shame men into watching female led comedies you have doubled your money. Theoretically any way

yep. and its somehow always mens fault if a movie starring women fails.

>Yas Forums said something, therefore it can't be true.
PC culture being completely out of control is an objective fact, regardless of your obsession with Yas Forums.
Honestly I hope Yas Forums starts telling people to remain hydrated. Then we can watch people like you thirst to death voluntarily.

>Controversial among who? The media?
And SJW's.

You know the real problem with Ghostbusters 2016? It cost an estimated $144 million. Shit, if they had managed to do it for $60 million, it would've been applauded by Sony and faggots everywhere. Did Feig think he was making a Marvel movie?

>Not just the media, normies will chastise you for being sexist
>And SJW's.
Only if you express it in the form of a political opinion, to which they're hard-wired to oppose. If you express it in your behavior or in a non-political opinion, they'll likely agree with you (because now they're non-threatened and free to be honest). They don't like this woke shit either.

>Yas Forums says watch mother
>i watch it
>it's garbage

>Yas Forums says i'm sexist because i don't want to watch garbage movies

I can't take you guys seriously anymore on any movie recommendations because I assume you're a troll just trying to make me waste my life.

Never underestimate the appeal of (You)s. I don't understand it myself, but it's apparently a powerful drug.

You clearly don't know how SJW's operate. Nothing is a "non-political" opinion to them. If you don't like Ghostbusters 2016 enough to say so, you're a right-wing racist incel.

If I may project a possible answer to that.

Getting a response negative or positive may stimulate some form of validation because you know someone had to read your post.
Kind of like kids acting out just get mommy to stop looking at tindr for five god damn minutes.

>If you don't like Ghostbusters 2016 enough to say so
You clearly dont know how to express the fact taht you don't like Ghostbusters 2016 without actually saying so (probably because you're autistic with no social skills).

I've never encountered any of the San Fran types, but in my experience, most of the people who make that their hill to die on do seem to be relegated to the internet. I live in the south, though, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

Sounds more like you're running DC for SJW's, champ.

sounds to me like you're a jew shilling against the user telling you how to manipulate SJWs and normies, chief

Message to most retards in this thread: beliefs that the media and a few mentally ill blue checkmarks on twitter hold are not representative of the normal population. The average person doesn’t really give a fuck about all this pc diversity feminism shit.

The fact that that's true does nothing to change the fact that they can still ruin your career and your life over this shit.

Chill out man. Maybe you need to take a break from the internet and go on a walk. Nobody is gonna have their career ruined if they say “the new ghostbusters doesn’t look good and I don’t want to see it”

His career wasn't ruined, but do you not remember James Rolfe and how the internet was after him for it?

>You know the real problem with Ghostbusters 2016?
-Four comedians who are not in the least bit funny
-A gross misunderstanding of what made the original Ghostbusters good
-An extremely timid director
-No script, literally the entire movie is hours and hours of cut up improv footage


Of course you don't remember that. It's an inconvenient fact. Naturally your SJW-amnesia is triggered.

Their postures of the two on the left just scream trying too hard

Dude I’m just a normal person I don’t even know who James rolefe is


>They don't like this woke shit either.
Why do you lie on a basket weaving Mongolian site?

You’re the one capping dawg. Most people don’t care as much as you think

>You’re the one capping dawg

>>They don't like this woke shit either.
>Why do you lie
"I'm glad it exists" =/= actually liking something

You said that user was lying. I’m saying that’s straight cap