Hey user, you wanna go out later? I need a wingman

>Hey user, you wanna go out later? I need a wingman

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How do get qt lesbian gf?

>mfw i will never have a hot lesbian friend to bro out with

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No, I'm quarantined and you should be too, do you want to get corona?

no I would do more harm than good. i'm a virgin

>had lesbian friend in school
>parents would make you do boomer white knight shit for her because they thought you'd potentially date
>we'd both internally groan every time

lol lesbians aren't even a real thing. she just got raped by her dad as a kid and would have been into you if you were a chad

treat her like one of the boys and then kiss her just for fun and then fuck her just for fun. She's not my gf though

wouldn't doubt it because her dad was in jail

I have a degree in sociology, I wasn't joking.


i unironically would. her character was one of the few highlights of that season.


>lol no fuck off I actually wanna get laid, I'm not letting you taking prospects from me

i have an iq of 146 i can absorb the world as I see it

absorb this *makes eye contact and then immediately breaks it and looks at my croch*

>only if you suck my cock. Gimme that dyke throat bitch

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>lesbians aren't even a real thing
my personal anecdote tells me that this is accurate. every single 'lesbian' i knew at school ended up with a bf.

I'm an incel, not a simp. Learn the difference you stupid bitch.

I heard your mom fucked Harvey Weinstein for roles in the 90s. True?

Aka "chadsexual"

>had a FtM (no surgeries) friend in college, basically a cute reverse trap
>when we’d go out she’d always get female attention while I always struck out
>developed feelings for her, but never acted on them
>lost touch after I dropped out
>reconnect a couple years later via Facebook, she says she always had a huge crush on me
>she’s married now with a kid on the way

>Looked it up
>Mother is Uma Thurman, father is Ethan Hawke
Huh. Was I supposed to know this already?

>every single 'lesbian' i knew at school ended up with a bf.
Newsflash: Those girls weren't lesbians, they just told you that so you'd fuck off and stop creeping them out..

She was probably playing with Uncle Harvey's pickle long before he was put away.

Why does Steve get constantly and consistently cucked?

>Sorry I already have plans to post pictures of Bane from TDKR on an anonymous imageboard. Have fun though.

Because the writers want to drag Chad through the mud to make up for their own miserable childhoods.

He does have a nice car though.

For me, it was his family name that made me look her up.

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*her, dammit.

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