Could a Batman tv show work?
Would it possible to do Batman as a weekly show done seriously and be taken seriously?
Obviously not made by WB because they have to turn everything into some sort of cheesy dramady and seen to have about $3.50 to spend on production values.
Could a Batman tv show work?
Mask of Phantasm 2 when??
Yes, you posted how to do it as the picture in your post.
If you're talking live action, it would be hard. So much would have to be spent on special effects that it might as well be movie. Tv special effects make it hard not to turn campy
Not only could a Batman show work, I'd argue that it would work better than a movie.
the quality of animation for DC cartoons died a long time ago, you could even see in later Batman New Adventures and Justice League how they were simplifying things to make it easier for the animators
Now its just blah
Thats a cartoon, I am of course speaking of live action
What sort of special effects?
Nighttime, wet, neonlit city streets with crime is something done on tv all the time
There would be money to be spent on a competent bat suit of course
Batman is known as the world's greatest detective. Make it sort of a police show and turn down the campyness of the villains and the suit; make it more like a tacticool armor and a bat helmet
Can it be done live-action better than your pic? No.
i thought young justice was decent
I'd watch a movie or tv show with a realistic "Joker" approach. If the Joker represents chaos, then Batman is order. Picture Bruce as CEO by day dealing with other crazy rich people and vigilante detective by night. It would be basically a mix between American Psycho and Chinatown.
>make it more like a tacticool armor and a bat helmet
Fuck no. Go something stylish but lighter and less heavy-combat oriented. Maybe something like a simplified Noel suit, or tweak the Gotham by Gaslight suit.
why yes user i have also seen nolan's batman trilogy
There shouldn't be much spent on special effects, nigga has no superpowers and the last thing they need to do is make him cartoonishly able to take on SWAT teams.
All they need is invest to make Gotham a perfect noir city and they can get away with Arrow tier choreography.
Batman should be the guy that makes you shit your pants because you know he's there but can't find him. If he's spotted in a room full of armed guards, then he's already failed and needs to get the hell out.
No no, I meant something like this by tacticool armor. I meant light armor parts, and some sort of headset with bat ears. More like a cool swat guy, ditching the cape and giant bat logo on the chest.
Again, FUCK NO. Batman is about theatrics. Even Nolan grasped that point; he can't make criminals fear him if he's dressed like that. If he's just some dumb fucker in armor then he's not Batman. Batman is the guy dressed in a long flowing cape with a big logo on his chest, and he can do it because he's better than you and wants you to be acutely aware of that fact, to the point if unnerves you and makes you slip up.
The problem is that it looks ridiculous in live action. Tacticool makes Batman look like a crazy weirdo which is way more fitting.
Looks straight outta Scooby Doo zombie island
No. Batman vs Superman was able to pull it off just fine, even if everything else about the movie was shit the suit worked. Batman is supposed to look ridiculous, he's a fucking theater junkie-turned-vigilante. If you can't mistake him for a creature of the night in silhouette then he's not Batman.
In the Woke Wahman era? God no.
You wouldn't even start with supervillains
It would be Batman vs the mob and corrupt police & city council for the first season
Slowly as a consequence of Batmans actions the freaks begin to emerge
Joker has been done to death
As for Bruce the CEO have a read of the comic War on Crime
Another thing he can do is put on the Bruce the Cad act to worm his way into the associations with the mob and crooked city councilors to learn information, layouts, the location of material so that he can return later that night.
That costume is dumb
>tweak the Gotham by Gaslight suit
I thought the costume in Dark Prince Charming was good
Does anyone get tired of the dozens of new variations every year we now see? Its obviously a marketing thing so they can merchandise the fuck out of it to neets that'll have hundreds of models still in their boxes on their walls.
Best Batman costume was the 'house style' maintained across multiple artists through the 1970s, '80s, early '90s up until around the end of Knightfall, after that they began allowing artists to do their own thing
A few older artists were still doing it at the end of the 1990s in the No Mans Land story that I have recently been reading the collected tpbs of
Nolans movies severely depower Batman removing the detective skills chief among this act
Sure but I was thinking of a Batman series being a bit more down to earth, like a police or detective series since he's the greatest detective and that never gets used since he's featured in full action movies.
But he can take on SWAT user
Albeit he has to break them down into smaller groups first
So thats Batman that tactician and strategist controlling the situation
light and shadow
if its at night
with a lot of shadow and smoke
and atmospherically placed lighting
you barely see him
In English? I don't speak triggered.
>I thought the costume in Dark Prince Charming was good
It was okay, but even still was far too heavily armored for a proper Batman suit. You're right that a perfect Batman's a mix between his 70s and 90s look. Long flowing cape, big ears, cloth suit (it can be armored underneath but the goddamn point is he looks unarmored so he seems invulnerable to crooks).
A detective series with Batman is a great idea user, but what you're being stupid about is that any good detective story has a detective with a quirk, something to set him apart from other iterations of the same basic concept. And you want to take away Batman's greatest quirk: his theatricism. He stays quiet by being loud, he builds up a myth about himself to induce fear and paranoia in his targets, and he loves to use high-handed gadgets and toys to distract people as he moves about. Batman is nothing without his image. If he's just some dumb fuck in a mask and body armor then he's not Batman, he's Kickass.
>he can't make criminals fear him if he's dressed like that
To be fair, I think it's greatly exaggerated to say a criminal would fear someone only because the way they're dressed. In the movies the criminals fight him anyway. And I don't think it would make a great distinction if he's dressed theatrically or tacticool as long as it's dark, let alone care about the logo. I think the criminals mostly fear him because he looks dark so it's hard to see, wears a cape and ears so he looks weird and above all he actually kicks their asses.
Absolutely greater emphasis on detection and problem solving
But its not Law & Order: JLA
I'm a little confused user, you say you don't think what I'm saying matters and go on to explain how what I'm saying matters.
>a perfect Batman's a mix between his 70s and 90s look. Long flowing cape, big ears, cloth suit (it can be armored underneath but the goddamn point is he looks unarmored so he seems invulnerable to crooks).
And Batman is always tall and looming in it
Earlier artists drew him with a stocky squat body, I guess they were drawing influence from professional wrestling
These days its the Jim Lee hulking batman, which I guess is what Snyder was going for
He sneaks into a building, slowly taking out the guards, then the power goes out, and finally he pounces on the boss
We the audience know, but they don't, he could be spotted, they could notice someone's missing, that's the tension
True. Besides, Darth Vader looked very imposing in that last movie. I imagine Batman is supposed to be like that too with his cape and horns
>Batman. Justice Tower. Now!
>I dont want hear anymore of your bullshit about Lex Luthor, you fucking got me?!
50% of the reason why criminals fear him is because the guy has a reputation for certifying kicking your ass.
25% because he's dressed in black, so he could be anywhere at night.
25% because he wears a cape and pointy ears. That doesn't mean he's a monster, just that he's fucking crazy.
It doesn't matter if he wears an armor or a spandex suit as long as he match the former requisites.
This is what made Vader imposing, especially when it cuts to an insert of their feet and we see the blokes feet are several inches off the ground
>25% because he's dressed in black, so he could be anywhere at night.
He's in the shadows and you can't see him.
>25% because he wears a cape and pointy ears. That doesn't mean he's a monster, just that he's fucking crazy.
People barely get a look at him, they don't know what he is or what's going on.
Plus Gotham has a long and ugly history.
>It doesn't matter if he wears an armor or a spandex suit as long as he match the former requisites.
There's a difference between "dressed like a bat" and "dressed like a tank with pointy ears". Criminals are a superstitious and cowardly lot, that's a recurring thing with Batman stories. Crooks hype up Batman to one another, and hearing that the guy that looks like he's dressed in a Halloween costume doesn't go down when you pump him full of lead makes for a much scarier story when he's not blatantly wearing a solid foot of titanium on his chest.
Gotham has all the elements, they could have turn it into a Batman/Jim show.
>Crooks hype up Batman to one another, and hearing that the guy that looks like he's dressed in a Halloween costume doesn't go down when you pump him full of lead makes for a much scarier story when he's not blatantly wearing a solid foot of titanium on his chest.
They barely see him, that's what does it.
>dressed like a tank with pointy ears
No, not in the budget. Also Gotham was fucking trash
That show was shit.
"lets see the origins of all the villains and how tragic they all are" - that does not sustain a show
Make Gotham Central into a show or don't. Don't fuck around like this.
Gotham was shit since day one.
>"Hey its a prequel! Except not really, and we realized early on we wrote ourselves into a corner having Batman villains running around before Bruce hit puberty
Fuck that show
>and we realized early on we wrote ourselves into a corner having Batman villains running around before Bruce hit puberty
Yes, it could, but it would require actual discipline and a heavy investment.
Season 1 - Batman Year 0 + Year 1 ; mystery focused, introducing characters etc. Dealing with the mob and a major murder mystery.8 episodes.
Season 2 - Gordon becomes chief and they forge their partnership.Batman meets Dick Grayson; more action oriented; still retains mystery focus, we meet The Joker towards the end.12 episodes.
Season 3- Timeskip. Batman entering his prime, Robin a little older, minor conflicts with Batman. Batgirl introduced. Full on rogues gallery. Romance with Selina Kyle begins. 12 episodes
Season 4 - Dick & Batman separate, he becomes Nightwing. We bring on Jason Todd. The Joker breaks out of Arkham along with most of the rogues. Chaotic season. Selina and Bruce fall for each other. 12 episodes
Season 5 - Timeskip. A Death In the Family, essentially. Other side plots include Nightwing moving to a different city to protect it, Bruce proposes to Selina. Batgirl becomes more prominent. More rogues are introduced. Mob characters son from S1 becomes prominent. Batman's guilt in the final 2 episodes about what happened to Jason. 12 episodes
Season 6 - Introduce Tim Drake. Bane breaks the Bat to end the midseason. Dick Grayson wears the cowl as Batman recovers in the last 4 episodes. 12 episodes.
Red Hood Movie
Season 7 - Timeskip. Court of Owls storyline. Ends with Bruce giving up the cowl to Dick and starting Batman inc. Finale. 8 episodes.
Live action drama? Yes, it wouldn't be too difficult. It'd basically be a police procedural with a bigger budget.
fuck you two.
The villains got to become their final forms and it was great. Only thing holding back was Bruce not becoming Batman, and wb forcing them to tip tow around the Joker.
I think you could easily have him hooking up with Selina/Catwoman in the first season, perhaps becoming distracted and unfocused, they go to Hayleys Circus and voila. Season 1/2 cliffhanger right there.
Could a campy looking Batman show be done well? Where the campy effects contrast with a more serious tone?
Its not focused on the gotham pd