here's your Dune, bro
Here's your Dune, bro
its an odd picture to release as your first look into the movie...
Looks like shit
>love the idea
>too retarded to read it
is that kylo ren
It's good but if you're too much of a normalfag you probably won't get it
it's the best selling science fiction novel of all time
Normies don't read books the sequels would be too much for them
A24 Batman movie next year
A24 Dune movie this year
Poser cinema is thriving
I'm normie as all fuck and I really enjoyed it. It's pretty straightforward if you dont feel like reading into everything. Super recommended
is A24 an adjective now?
Can't wait for this trash to release so I can hate it.
It's nothing too demanding or hard to understand at all. The only hurdles would be how boring the first half of Children and 80% of God Emperor is.
Oh my god it actually somehow looks even worse than I imagined. Who in the name of fuck thought Dune was best portrayed as a dark, moody broody flick???
That's on Caladan you fucking imbecile.
I read Dune and Messiah recently for the first time. Was expecting a story and setting that was utterly bizarre and purple prose everywhere given how often I see the "Dune is too hard for normies" thing spouted but it's a fairly typical fantasy story.
Yeah no shit. And I know exactly what the retard were thinking too, because it's so absolutely fucking ham-fisted.
>Oh you see, we're fucking brilliant directors because we made the planet pentagon-head is from DARK AND MOIST. Then he comes to dune and it's BRIGHT! ALMOST TOO BRI- OHHHH UHHNNNNNGGGG I'M OOH MY BRAIN IS TOO- UHHH I'M ENLIGHTENED BY MY OWN INTELL-UUUUUUUHH YES!!!
Stop trying so hard you absolute faggot. I'm tired of them not showing anything of value about this movie too, but I'm not gonna be a fucking mongoloid because of it.
it's almost like directors use different lightning and atmospheres to represent themes and locations?
Fuck modern directors. Actual literal children can tell a story more subtly than modern """directors""". Fucking hacks all of them.
Okay then you do it.
Congratulations on the coherent thought.
Because the book is just FULL of positivity, isn't it?
Poop pee poopy fart pee poop
Check em faggot
Alright....this is what I call based
thanks bro, looks good can't wait
What is it about?
Young Kylo Ren spin-off from Disney
I'm not a rich kike.
I’m a brainlet who cant really read, but I read Blood Meridian and loved and understood it well. Would I understand Dune?
So you can't do it.
I meant the lighting, dipshit.
Which harry potter is this?
Well obviously. I just said I'm not a rich kike, didn't I? Was something in my statement difficult to grasp?
If youre a brainlet watch comicbookgirl19’s book club on youtube first. Most reddit recommendation ever but she does a really good job. Then when you read it you wont be lost
Let me amend this. I'm neither a rich kike nor a prepubescent boy rich kikes can rape for benefits later. That's why I can't work in pedowood.
No just that you're a fucking idiot, how does not having money affect your ability to tell a story with subtlety?
yes, absolutely, BM is harder than Dune
Only hacks work in pedowood now. That's because literally every director in pedowood is either a kike who knows other kikes, someone supplying them with children's assholes, or a child with an asshole being raped by rich pedowood kikes.
Looks super gay.
Okay, but you're not answering my question. If even a child can tell a story with subtlety then can you?