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>next episode is called Something Unforgivable
what will it be bros

it's what lalo will tell nacho he did before he kills him

At this rate I don't know, I thought Jimmy and Kim would break up but they are married. We are far from the BB storyline where Lalo and Nacho are still alive. I really have no idea.

And no, Kim will not die.

Get filtered retard
>all that time spent on the literally-who-fucking-cares plot about how Gus got his stupid lab
It furthered Mike's development significantly and led to serious ramifications this season.
>Jimmy is given literally HALF OF AN EPISODE to fully and freshly react to his brother's death before moving on to business as usual (I get it the point is he bottles it and it comes out in bits and pieces but they still gave him next to nothing)
Jimmy not mentally accepting himself as (one of) the main cause's in Chuck's death is entire point you fucking retard.
>Nacho plot is literally frozen and more boring than ever until the episode where Lalo comes in
Nacho's plot is definitely stop-go. It still works fine.

>BB storyline where Lalo and Nacho are still alive
Or presumed still alive. There's not much too this theory other than what Saul says in the desert to Jesse and >walt

what are the black and white scenes again?

fuck you nacho is not dying ON MY WATCH

Literally impossible because Saul is under the impression that Lalo is still alive by the time of Breaking Bad.

Jimmy is kneedeep in the lalo x nacho x gus/michael shit. Lalo knows shit happened, but whatever happened to Jimmy it was something big than him and he stayed loyal.

Lalo already knows about some "private detective" that helped his bail and still dreams about Werner Zeigler and Michael. There is to much shit happened but right now the only one stopping Gus/Cartel plans is Lalo and he is going down, probably with Nacho.

why'd lalo backdown like that what a bitch

we literally got a scene with Lalo and Kims feet in the same shot. i dont think TV will ever be topped

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lalo and nacho will engage in yet another western shootout (vince can't help himself) and kill eachother, effectively ending the plotline
nacho quickly convenes with mike somehow to coordinate and kill lalo while nacho is in mexico, mike then helps nacho escape using the vacuum man service

Because he realized she was right. It doesn't matter that the story is clearly a lie, because Saul still came through and delivered the full bail which is something Lalo trusted no one else to do.

stream link where it at my niggas

this babies

They’re flash-forwards to Saul after Breaking Bad. They’re the only part of the show that takes place post-BB.

hello where is steam (of show not piss)

How did they manage to make such a tense scene where we know that no ones going to die?

Jesus that final scene got me tense and smiling. I can't help me and not smile whenever Lalo silly smirk is on screen but when he got serious I was just fucking tense. Although a good episode, the last 10 minutes doesn't pay off the lack of development from the rest, I blame the ads.

This is one tier above Namaste from S5, but S5 is still stellar.

I think it will something like route B, but with Gus involvement. Lalo is not going back to Mexico or he will come back from there. And this can only happen in mid S2 of Breaking Bad, after Tuco death and Saul opening his office. Nacho doesn't need the Vacum guy because he already has fake IDs on his safe.

just finished season 4 and I cried when Mike killed Werner. he didn't deserve it bros


Werner was a good man.

Kim could've.

He honestly did deserve it for being such a stupid fuck

>character makes you involuntarily scream "absolutely based!" when you see them on screen

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i feel bad for lalo. Nacho is lying to him, Jimmy is lying to him. I hope he finds out and punishes them

No, she couldn't have because the episode 10 synopsis says that she and Jimmy do something with the cartel

it was a fine arc since we got some mike kino but it really did go on too long, it took a lot of time that could've gone to jimmy


Jesus, there were so many shots on that scene that you could just see Kim dying.
>the moment where she goes to the door and she is off focus
>every scene where Saul was lying and Lalo was just next to Kim 3 seconds away from pulling his gun and shooting her
>lalo being abrupt on his moves
That was too much for my heart.

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>the one instance that could have showed lawyering in a lawyer show
>doesn't show it

How is a woman with almost no chance of having children attractive?

>spoiling future episodes for yourself by reading their plot summaries
>complaining we "know" what happens next

post it

>tfw you will never get punished by Lalo
name one reason I should continue living

Fuck children. Who the hell needs stinky children? I just want my mommywaifu.

how can she be a mommywaifu without being a mommy

i cant. i can only screengrab from youtube. but i hope somebody posts it soon

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You ever look at an actress on screen and think, "She probably has a fat turd brewing in her ass?"

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Watch Chicanarry.
Also, Chuck was right

yeah he should really spank that lying snitch's thick ass

She is my mommy. I'm her boy. But I'm also her husbando.

Lalo is more intimidating than anyone on Breaking Bad except Gus

we dont have time for that shit anymore. the mesa verde plot is OVER, the nacho plot is about to be OVER. the show focus now is on bridging to breaking bad and finishing the gene story.