You know what this is, Ornella? This is a Smith and Wesson Model 910 9mm handgun. At this range, a shot to the head would blow off part of your skull and paint the audience with your brain matter. I won't miss. Now, tell me again what you just said? Your little joke? Go ahead and repeat that for me please you FUCKING STUPID CUNT!
You know what this is, Ornella? This is a Smith and Wesson Model 910 9mm handgun. At this range...
Wow, very informative, you should try it on your gut see if you lose some weight.
if only you missed shots as much as you missed exercises
She keeps on winning
Im sure you can withstand the recoil
>I won't miss.
I can believe that. You've clearly never missed a meal Jonah!
Does the pun work in French?
At this range, Jonah?
so jonah tell us about Leo's .357 Magnum Colt Python
i don't do bargains with fast foods jonah
Eh, not too clever.
And then Jonah shoots her in the temple. Wow good job Ornella. I've said it before and I'll say it again the only good response on Jonah's part would be to murder her on air.
Oh Jonah, I'd ask you why you need me to repeat what I said, but you love seconds, don't you?
>A year on from Ornella Fleury’s death and the French TV host has become a martyr for women’s rights around the world and an posthumous inspiration for women of all ages. After her murder by fat incel failed actor Jonah Hill live on television, public outcry at the obvious misogyny rife throughout the world became undeniable and many governments across the globe implemented broad sweeping reforms to ensure women made up 50% of all political, financial and social institutions. A surge in female representatives has been seen across multiple governments and many companies, corporations and businesses have pledged to ensure CEO positions are helmed by women. A combined international effort was also made to ensure that hate speech against women and girls was radically curtailed, with sites such as the infamous Yas being shut down and many persistent users of the site either thrown in jail or put on government watch lists indefinitely. Amongst all of the events Jonah Hill himself was eventually murdered by African prisoners in a the high security Clairvaux Prison in France. The autopsy of his body revealed he was raped in the anus repeatedly before death. Now onto the weather....
Don't do it Jonah, prison food is awful.
try better next time meatbag jonah, well in your case extra meaty
This throws off all the simulations... It's back to square one again. WE NEED. MORE. TIME
We're never going to do it, are we bros? On a side note, do you think Jonah is aware of this? I like to think he is and that he spends time on here participating in the threads only to get burned again and again.
I would think jonah has better things to do than to waste his time in a dumbass forum obsessing over something a dumb roasty said to me years ago on french television
Typical, jonah, the only way you can penetrate a woman is with a gun
begone wench, you are already defeated
just like Dr. Strange, Jonah too is locked in a never ending torment, doomed to relive the most painful deaths over and over again on this board for eternity, until the succesful outcome is obtained
How about another joke, fleur-ray?
It's okay, I surrender. But for my last request, please tell Brad and Leo to pick up my corpse and you can wait outside while they copulate with it.
Figures you would ask for seconds, jonah
Agreed, let's get back to your career