That object is worth $1,500 so i'll buy it for $500 and then i'll sell it to someone else for $1...

>That object is worth $1,500 so i'll buy it for $500 and then i'll sell it to someone else for $1,500 that way i'll be making profit and you won't

Why aren't these fuckers in jail for scamming people?

Attached: pawnstars_photogallery_4_2016.jpg (1976x1112, 954.09K)

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because idiots willingly agree to those terms

Jewery is a practice old as time, there’s a reason it’s legal.

idiots that don't know how capitalism works.
>I want to sell thing
>here's what I'll pay you for thing
>hmm that's not much but I'm too fucking lazy to look elsewhere
same reason people pay $1.50 for a can of soda instead of buying the 2L bottle for half that.

>No deal
wow that was hard

Has no one heard of the internet on this fucking show?
>No deal, thanks for the appraisal though

True capitalism is when it's $2+ for a 0.5L bottle of water but $1 for the 2L bottle of water.

just put it on ebay

>Why aren't these fuckers in jail for scamming people?
It goes like this:
You're free to find a private buyer or sell it to a pawnshop for a quick buck. You are also free to open your own pawnshop with all the liability that comes with it. Ultimately it's up to the individual.

Attached: 1583710554724.jpg (910x752, 57.13K)

>I have this random doodad that only 200 people in all of America would be willing to buy
>It might take months to sell it
>I could always go to the Pawn Shop and get rid of it and get a fraction of the money back, but at least I'll have money today

That's the mindset of the idiots who would actually sell valuable items to a Pawn Shop. Alternatively lots of people who are lousy with money will "pawn" valuables just for temporary cash and pay a small monthly interest fee until they have the money to get the item back. It's generally very stupid to Pawn stuff and especially stupid to just sell to them, but that's the business. At least they are the real scumbags aka Payday Loans.

Attached: 1426526748784.jpg (467x453, 88.56K)

it's vegas. theyre all degenerate gamblers selling off heirlooms to play

That's just junk, what you really want is the NES-001!

They're willing to get the item off their hands immediately versus waiting an unknown length of time for the right buyer to show up to purchase it for what it is allegedly "worth". It depends what the person that has the item values more: a moderate chunk of cash NOW, or a potentially larger pile of cash down the line at an unknown date

I have this stolen item. I could sell it but that would tie me to a chain of custody based off of insurance, police reports, and serial numbers. Or I can just get cash from this pawn shop and live to steal another day.

You do what you gotta do

This. It’s not their obligation to help some bottom of the barrel schlub who wants to make a bad decision.

But prostitution is the oldest profession of all time so why is it illegal?

Business 101: You never charge based on what anything is worth - you charge the maximum that someone is willing to pay. And you pay the least amount that someone else is willing to sell it for. This is the way the world works and I hope you're underage for your own sake.

My favorite is the guy who brought in literal fucking pirate treasure from a sunken ship
>hmmm not much of a market for this solid hunk of gold doubloons
>ill take it off your hands for 4k

>implying it isn't at this point

muh feminism that's all about liberated women except when it also benefits men

Nobody sells to pawn shops unless they're retarded or desperate. The only time I've even been in a pawn shop was when I was a teenager and needed money for beer and cigarettes. Non retarded, non desperate people just sell things themselves. Usually online nowadays since it's incredibly easy. I'm amazed there are even still this many pawn shops in business.

I literally just bought a collection of Magic the gathering cards from a local pawn shop for 320 bucks that was worth 6.5k minimum.

I feel like I scammed the pawn shop who did no research, and the pawn shop scammed the crackhead who brought it in.

I go into my local pawn shop to buy xbox games for 2 dollars each every now and then. Each time, the people there selling things are either junkies or illegal immigrants.

Pawnbroker here. The bread & butter of our industry is interest on loans, not purchases. If someone really wants to sell I will give an offer but almost always suggest that they take the time & effort to sell their property on craigslist / offer up / ebay / in order to get the most money possible.

I've never really watched much of this show but what I've seen is clearly scripted. I'll stick around for a bit to answer questions if anyone wants to know how a pawn shop operates (in my area at least).

how many times have you been shot?

How often does an item turn out to be stolen? & If the police take an item the store paid for as evidence, do they reimburse you the store it?

Not once in 16 years, knock on wood. We have 3-4 armed guards at any given moment, & there's no less than 3 firearms behind the counter.

how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood

good for you for being cautious.

What happens if the merchandise is hot and you gave a loan or bought it? The Pawn Shop would have to turn the product over to the police right?

it's 50% a service. walk in this door and trade an object for as much cash as he'll fork over.
>no researching
>no talking to multiple people
>no debating
>no effort on your part whatsoever
if you wanna put in effort for more money, sure go for it. conider how much your time is worth while you look for the one guy on the planet who gives a flying fuck about the ultra rare 3 of them in the world misprint dollar bill with a testicle on washington's left eye

Very rarely. I'm in a large metropolitan area, in a well-established shop with maybe 50-100 loans per day. In 2019 I think there were 2 police holds throughout the whole year. Used to be more back in the day.

The laws in our state are very gray when it comes to reimbursement. I think there's only one statute in which a victim is legally required to reimburse the shop, and that's if they willingly decline to participate in prosecution of the alleged suspect. Otherwise there's no explicit legal process and it's more of whoever you can get the money from (if at all).