Still don't know who, what, or why he is

Still don't know who, what, or why he is.

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It was just Sheev

But it doesn't matter who he is. Or wait it does matter. Sort of. Not really, though.

It wasn't though, McDiarmid said he only got asked about being Palpatine before Episode 9, meaning they had no plan with him being in the films. Probably did this because 8 tanked so badly and they needed to boost 9's sales with bringing back Palps as a nod to the fans.

Snoke probably had a real origin they just didn't use and pretended it was planned all along.

What matters is his plan.

Reminder all nu wars is faggot shit.

He was a CONSOLE of Rome

failed force sensitive clone body that was meant for sheev to possess but he didn't want it so he used him to rule the first order for some reason. don't know why he didn't just do it himself.

>real origin
No. He was nothing more than "evil bad guy" He has no backstory.

>McDiarmid said he only got asked about being Palpatine before Episode 9, meaning they had no plan with him being in the films.
That's like saying Anakin isn't Darth Vader just because it wasn't planned with the original movie. Snoke was obviously intended to be a distinct character, but TROS implies pretty hard that he was just a meat puppet inhabited by the Emperor.

It was just Disney Coping retcons, not for artistic merit, thus I don't see it as legitimate.

The entire trilogy has very little merit. It's still the retcon the story went with. Anakin being a Chosen One was a stupid retcon, but it's still what we get told in the prequels. The only difference is that Anakin being Darth Vader was a retcon that actually enriched the story.

Anakin being the chosen one isn't a retcon, it's adding more information to the story rather than changing something that was already true. Making Sheev still alive after we were told he was dead is a retcon.

Snoke should have been one of Palpatine's advisors.

Also, the First Order and the Imperial Remnant should be separate factions or, at most, uneasy allies.

The First Order are Dark Side acolytes and Palpatine loyalists who survived the destruction of the 2nd Death Star and the final stages of the Galactic Civil War. Snoke leads the First Order which is organized as a Dark Side cult venerating the Emperor, Darth Vader and ancient Sith. Much of their goals focus on recovering lost Sith knowledge. Ben Solo was a promising student of Luke Skywalker, but was turned by Snoke. Perhaps they use the Force to imitate Vader/Anakin, deceiving Ben.

The Knights of Ren could be the martial arm of the First Order, or they could be a separate group. There was an opportunity with these guys to come up with a variety of force powers or distinctive fighting styles. Sadly, little was done with them.

(Sidenote: I really don't like the idea of Dark Side Force ghosts. Ascending into a force ghost should only be possible for someone who is deeply enlightened and uninhibited by emotional attachment and ambition. The equivalent for dark side users should be a harsh refusal to die. Literally keeping themselves alive by shear willpower or cheating death through other means).

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The Imperial Remnant are made up of Admirals, Generals, Governors and Moffs who survived the war and reorganized under a military Junta. They are explicitly anti-Force user, light or dark side. They remember being under the yoke of Palpatine, Vader and their various Hands/Inquisitors and are determined to not be ruled in that way again. In addition to standard military units, they field specialized teams of highly trained and equipped, cybernetically enhanced commandos who can go toe-to-toe against members of the various Force-using sects that have sprung up after the dissolution of the Empire.

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>it's adding more information to the story
So is "The Emperor is actually alive! Snoke was the Emperor!" and "I lied Luke! Vader is your dad!" Admittedly the Emperor's survival is sort of glossed over in TROS, but it doesn't make it fundamentally different. They're both still retcons.

A puppet that Disney tried to hype for nothing

Snoke was a mystery box. That's it.

Based as fuck but this is might be too complicated to your Disney fan

Why Snoke

>So is "The Emperor is actually alive! Snoke was the Emperor!"
No, that's changing an established fact.
>"I lied Luke! Vader is your dad!"
Lucas intended that from the beginning.
>the Emperor's survival is sort of glossed over
It's insultingly stupid is what you mean. It was so clearly pulled out of their ass because Rian fucked the story and they had nowhere left to go. There's a big difference between that and Vader being Luke's father.

Reminder all Star Wars is faggot shit.

Pretty sure killing him in TLJ was Rian Johnson's way of calling out on J.J. Abram's mystery box bullshit.

>No, that's changing an established fact.
This doesn't mean much either way. The whole point of retcons (retroactive continuity) is that they introduce details that revise the original interpretation of the material. Anakin being killed by Darth Vader was an established fact.
>Lucas intended that from the beginning.
He did not. It didn't appear until the second or third draft of TESB.
>It's insultingly stupid is what you mean.
Sure, but that's par for the course with most retcons in Star Wars. Leia being Luke's sister is another one. Boba Fett and Jango Fett. Anakin and Threepio. That doesn't excuse anything, just saying. We've been here before.

the official lore is that he was a vader clone created by sheev

No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.

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Guys. Quit trying to make sense of it all.
It's obvious they had no idea where the story was going from one episode to the next. TROS would have been much different if TLJ didn't tanked.

Obi-wan didn't lie. He said Vader betrayed and murdered Anakin. When Anakin became Vader his old self was dead.what obi-wan said was true from a certain point of view

Can you imagine giving a trilogy of movies in a multibillion dollar franchise a green light without a completed script?

I suppose they could have went with the knights of ren finding some ancient sith weapon or whatever

the dark lord of the SHIT lmao

So just like palpatine in the original trilogy then?

That’s how they do it. Grab a popular IP, attach some stars, and write the script during the plane ride to set. The first Iron Man movie started filming before they even had a script.

A space gardener.

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Reminder that you're faggot shit.