>Male superheroes BAD
>Female superheroes GOOD
Male superheroes BAD
>anything relating to superheroes
finished it. what's going to happen in season 2 boys? Butcher is freakin!
>havent read the comic
Comics are for children and sjws
>diversity squad GOOD
>white religious male with the american flag BAD
why did Yas Forums shill this crap
>implying John Butcher wasn't the best character
I had a soft spot for frenchie.
I hope season 2 is as good as the first season was. I am really excited about this!
I don't think Homelander is religious user.
An evil female superhero would be refreshing right about now. Empowerment through juxtaposition.
OP you probably look like this.
comic was better butcher did nothing wrong
>Female superheroes GOOD
>season 2 will have neo-nazi female superhero
I ship him and the female. I actually really enjoy all of the "side" characters. My least favorite is probably Maeve. Did I spell that right? She seems to be toughening up, but she is really weak right now. I want them to bring The Deep back. I hope the new super person they made a female will be good. I am just hoping for something different with that. I know gender bending is obnoxious, but if it isn't the same trope we are used to seeing with regards to that, then I am open to it. Just something different.
They did a good job with the first season, so I am holding back judgement until I see this new character for myself. They did really good with Stillwell. I loved her and the creepy relationship she had with Homelander. THAT was very different. What is going on with Becca? That cliffhanger really did leave me hanging on there. I have been waiting on baited breathe for this next season. I hope Butcher is going to get some answers.
God, I can't wait to jerk off to her scenes
I agree with this. If she is actually evil it would be something that is rare right now. Everyone loves the villains though. It's weird no one has had a good female villain in anything. They always end up being good in the end, and that is really annoying. There doesn't seem to be a black or a white in this show. Everyone is operating in shades of gray. I am actually curious to see what they do with this.
fuck I hope so, look at that stud.
no don't do it user, she's Jewish IRL! It's a jewish trick don't fall for it NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
No but for real she's jewish.
still confused why she's jewish
>No but for real she's jewish.
Just ignore them. They probably haven't even watched the first season of this show. They are upset a Nazi type character is being played by an obviously physically jewish person. It's acting. Any actor worth their weight in salt can pull it off.
Do you really want spawn of Satan user?
Even if you excuse biblical theories surely you can see they're evil just from history :3
It's cringe, I have seen the first season of the show, I bet you haven't.
She'll be overshown by Homelander anyway, doubt she can keep up with him.
Then why are you complaining?
Good, checking the credits of this show I was worried it would lack Jewish representation.
Because it makes a mockery of the original comic, and I suspect that changing the character from an actual Nazi man to a "neo" Nazi woman in the modern day, while being played by a Jew, will just give them an opportunity to mock what they define as "alt right" on the internet.
She's also getting her beliefs from the internet.
I enjoyed the first season very much, don't want to see a show I like tainted by politics.
This will unironically be the main message of season two.
Just read the tweets of the showrunners.
They decided to ruin their show will pos.
I will probably avoid watching it altogether.
>genderswapped character
Yes it's going to be garbage.
t. didn't watch it
It's all so tiresome
The whole industry is obviously, but this project more than most is a lark from a bagel breakfast.