Jeffrey Dahmer: What makes you any different from me?

>Jeffrey Dahmer: What makes you any different from me?
>Ted Bundy: All the whores I killed deserved it.

Attached: Bundy vs Dahmer.png (2100x1399, 1.45M)

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dahmer killed blacks didn't he

Didn’t dahmer mostly kill literal gay prostitutes?

Dahmer's victims deserved it more


Worse. Dahmer killed gay niggers.

and he was murdered by one too
>On November 28, 1994, Dahmer was beaten to death by Christopher Scarver, a fellow inmate at the Columbia Correctional Institution in Portage, Wisconsin.

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Dahmer was based he was a faggot that killed other faggots that would haved died from AIDS anyway. Bundy was just a loser incel that should have died the same way as Dahmer.

All women deserve to die. Remember to beat your cunts twice a week bros, if you don't know why, they do

Lived by the sword die by the sword. Bundy should have gotten the same fate. The chair was way to good for him.

Bundy was too chad to get killed by anyone other than the state.

Get AIDs you dumb faggot. I hope another Dahmer kills you. I would rather have a lying whore than a faggot any day of the week.

Dahmer and Bundy both had mommy issues but in this case being gay actually benefited Dahmer

Both of 'em.. real jerks!

*blocks your path*

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>I hereby sentence you, Ted Bundy, to be raped and killed by a dozen of female teenagers
Yeah, doesnt seem so bad

why are there no new serial killers?

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bundy is just as pathetic of a cuck as most serial killers, he built himself up as a character by being edgy during his police interviews when the worlds attention was on him, he was also hot, which made ladies give the case more attention

The internet and access to unlimited porn

> Chad
> Kills exclusively women because he was such a huge pussy.
Bundy was a weak bitch. The real serial killer that was tough shit was Ed kemper. This mother fucker was 6'9 and had a large iq. Guns were invented because of people like him.

Attached: Ed kemper.jpg (220x293, 18.58K)

Now this fucker, this fucker had style.

harder to get away with now, you'd have to be pretty deranged to think you'll kill anyone in a civilized country these days and not have any evidence linking you to the crime

Probably something to do with widely available pornography that services every fetish from vanilla to sadism and beyond.

Because tech advanced too fast. Other than apathy, corruption or laziness if you start killing people they will get you before your 5th victim.

Thats why there are not many serial killer niggers outside gang shit that no one gives a fuck about. They are not smart to evade police for more than a few rounds. Non ironically this requires white/yellow level intellect but even then its not enough now with all the forensics tech.

He seems so self-aware in his interviews but you just know deep down he enjoys manipulating people into thinking he's poignant or a nice guy

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>Dude he is not a chad, he is only hot, and charismatic and smart but not a chad!

>Ed kemper
> Kemper was nicknamed the "Co-ed Killer" as most of his victims were female students at co-educational institutions.

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Army recruitment has gotten much more effective

There are many many operating all over the world. The FBI estimates that there are between twenty-five and fifty serial killers operating throughout the U.S. at any given time.

There are multiple

>After a killing spree that left young women in fear for their safety and authorities baffled, Ted Bundy had finally been captured.

>"The guard went outside for a smoke. The windows are open, and the fresh air is blowing through. And the sky was blue, and I said, 'I'm ready to go,' and walked to the window and jumped out," Bundy told Carlisle. "Honest to god, I just got sick and tired of being locked up."

Escaped from prison 2 times because he was tired of being in prison. Then he went full horror movie to a sorority house and killed a group of cheerleaders. How the fuck is this not chad or high iq?

there's a lot more cops than that

Because he was sexually attracted to black guys, don't make him out to be a nazi when he was a sissy.

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Because he was a retard who couldnt control his impulses

He's an abosolute monster. There is an interview he took with an FBI agent and casully told the man that he could have easily ripped his head off. They had an armed guard on him after that and he scared the shit out of serial killers in the prison. Dude was a tough mother fucker in his time.

For me it's John Wayne Gacy

Wear a full mask and cleansuit, shoot a homeless person with a .357 Magnum revolver, destroy the weapon with an angle grinder and a blowtorch.

Oh he could. This is what he wanted to do. An impulsive retard couldnt be his own defense.

This guy was being prepped to be mayor before all this shit. He is not low iq. He is evil. Literally the only guy from all the famous serial killers that I would plainly consider him evil.

The others had mental deficiencies,drugs problems and autocontrol issues like chikatilo,dahmer,gacy,etc. or were literally lunatics like Ramirez. Ted Bundy is the only one I would consider a normal guy doing what he likes. To murder people.

Because Cell Phones. Sure the serial killer might not have a phone but the victim most likely has one.

Imagine the beta no chin incel who posted this. Dahmer was infinitely more based

Based black man

He shows up in the 3rd act.

There are. They're all black and the government is compliant by not arresting them.