What are some of the most powerful moments in late night talk show history?

What are some of the most powerful moments in late night talk show history?

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dunno lol

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Bill Burr's interviews on Conan

>when they bought the lies

Wtf is this?

She used to be so pretty. The amount of stress she puts on herself constantly preeching and arguing to people about gay rights while living on malnourishing vegan food over the years has really taken a toll on her.

Is this a legit answer or troll answer, I've heard bill Burr can be funny but i have no evidence or proof of it.

People age bud. You will look ugly as hell in a decade compared to how you look now

She ruined career and life for people who never think about her at all

Someone post the Bolsonaro interview

abel ferrara being high as shit on conan

the girl in the newest backroomcastingcouch that came out today looks exactly like Ellen in her prime to me

the only one that matters


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so many women have hairlines like this

Norman Mailer letting all his insecurities loose when confronting Gore Vidal

She looks like The Mask.

That's a lot of words just to say she hit the wall.

I look much better at my 35s than my 25s, and I looked much better at my 25s than my 15s.

Oh and I expect to look much better at 45. Then slowly decay.

black women maybe

Chomsky having a debate with closet case William F. Buckley

Conan, Courtney Thorne smith, Norm.


Craig Fergy still had the best night after night batting average.

>People age
They do.
People who destroy their looks with veganism like Ellen Page age much, much faster.


He went off message so bad I'm assuming he was trying to do a very high profile death by cop. Little did he realize there are fates worse than death.

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link me up

Early Letterhead was fucking kino, nothing now comes even close to what he what he did with that show.


Vegans are chronically deficient in nutrients relating to brain function including heme iron, b12, cholesterol, and others. Read more about it:


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Ellen Page buying into the Smollet hoax of him being attacked by two maga-hat wearing racists in the middle of a freezing night in Chicago.

In reality he hired two black extras he worked with in the Empire tv show to put a noose around his head and spatter some bleach on him.

Freezing doesn't cover it
It was like -30 at 2am