Press D to Pay Respects Edition
Press D to Pay Respects Edition
No matter how you look at it, Gul Dukat is NOT based. Think about it. If you're not racist and sexist, he's not based because he oppresses and enslaves others. If you're racist and sexist, he's not based because he's a race traitor with a fetish for Bajorans and a confirmed cuck.
What has Gul Dukat ever done right?
make you seethe
+1 strip of latinum
i want a gorn husband!
Have you ever saw a burned ser of your beloved sci fi series?
he fucked kiras mom, that was absolutly the right thing to do
It was his revenge
I want to breath Janeways farts
what do you guys think her ass smells like?
The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after a design sexier then Enterprise E comes out.
Based Dubsminion poster
>learn how to fucking curse, commander
>you total pussy
based based poster
Wasn't someone getting their ass out?
Im watching TNG 6.5 and the crew is being abducted by aliens. nice
year of hell
1st for based #1
I don't need your holographic women
Just got through Discovery. Why didn't they make it a new IP. Totally doesn't fit Star Trek in anyway. They keep sucking off the black girl, they should have just named the new show after her. One of the best qualities of Star Trek was they explored each crew member on their own and there was never a dominant character.
>EMH: You never think of the consequences of your actions, the effect they might have on others. Oh, no, live for the moment, take risks you shouldn't. I'm sorry.
>PARIS: Are you all right?
>EMH: I. It's my family. My daughter Belle had an accident. She's a child who tends to take risks. She's going to die.
>PARIS: I'm so sorry.
>EMH: I'll be all right. I shut down the programme. I'm not going back.
>PARIS: Maybe you should think about that, Doc.
>EMH: I couldn't begin to face it. It was too difficult.
>PARIS: I guess all of us would avoid that kind of pain if we could, but most people don't have that choice.
>EMH: Well, fortunately, I do.
>PARIS: Is it so fortunate? You created that programme so you could experience what it's like to have a family. The good times and the bad. You can't have one without the other.
>EMH: I fail to see why not.
>PARIS: Well, think about what's happened to us here on Voyager. Everyone left people behind, and everyone suffered a loss, but look how it's brought us all closer together. We found support here, and friendship, and we've become a family in part because of the pain we shared. If you turn your back on this programme, you'll always be stuck at this point. You'll never have the chance to say goodbye to your daughter, or to be there for your wife and son when they need you. And you'll be cheating yourself of the chance to have their love and support. In the long run, you'll miss the whole point of what it means to have a family.
>EMH goes back to the programme and sees his daughter's death through
>his family comes together to comfort each other
>after that EMH ends up never going back anyway
What the fuck was the point?
>What the fuck was the point?
VOY wanted to be like TOS, episodic - each episode completely disconnected from the last.
But they fucking forgot, idiot writers, that the very premise of VOY doesn't FUCKING WORK LIKE THAT
calm down
no VOY makes me so mad because it had some of the best potential of any Trek series and it was a fucking worthless waste of time
Think I'm falling in love with Kira, bros.
>Just got through Discovery. Why didn't they make it a new IP.
Because those fail now. How are you liking all those Avatar sequels by the way?
I never cared for TNG. TOS is obviously amazing & pic related is the best character in the franchise.
I don't understand not liking TNG while liking TOS when the former is basically the latter but stronger in just about every way. And I fucking love TOS.
Nope. Not for me.
So what does TNG do worse in your opinion?
Not him but TNG has aged the worst to me. It is too squeaky clean and doesn't try anything too risky. I think some of the individual episodes are by far best in franchise though.
>It is too squeaky clean and doesn't try anything too risky.
With the Cardassians and the Bajorans, characters like Ensign Ro, Jellico, and Maxwell, plus everything to do with the Klingons, it was way more morally ambiguous and complex than TOS was.
One thing I will say about TOS was that the sci-fi was harder, which is something that did bug me a little about TNG.
It's not fun. It's painful to watch.
Could someone post the uniforms colours and corresponding series please.
Yeah here.