is she the actress with the highest hotness-to-jawline ratio?

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Is she in the running for the Crimson Chin live action adaptation?

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>i-it's you! the hero of Kvatch!!

>Finding this slav mutt liberal lesbian cunt hot

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thought they only posted those reaction pics on Yas Forums

Angelina Jolie has to be in the running

I liked Rosario Dawson too, a bit more curves

she's kinda hot irl


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I'll marry myself a tall jawfu and have a bunch of Chad boys, gotta improve the lineage

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spoiler that shit wtf man

>have a bunch of Chad boys
or a bunch of mongoloid females -

I really like her looks, but sadly she got harvested by big harv

A to B ratio is high means A is high or B is low
Her jaw is high so you might want to consider another math expression such as product

oh no no no hahahaha

that's a shame

that's a terrible angle, she's lucky she's smol so very few people ever look up at her or directly face to face

Based MathAnon saving the day.

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Jfc man she used to be so hot
Should have gone easy on the Botox

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Nothing about her is Slavic.

Can never remember which one is Olivia and which one is Summer

When against all odds... everything goes wrong

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she use to have a contender, but Webb went OTG

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Women shouldn't have wide jaws

She's a casting couch whore. I remember ten years ago when she was being relentlessly shilled and suddenly co-starring in big budget movies like Tron Legacy and Cowboys & Aliens. People realized she was box office poison and shitcanned her. Soon after she started doing nude scenes.

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Cringe fag




already HAD her!!!!!!!!!!

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