Will you go back to supporting live entertainment once this whole deal is done?

Will you go back to supporting live entertainment once this whole deal is done?

Were you even a fan of stand up/teathre etc. to begin with?

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Didn't Terry Davis work for these people?


Probably not. Not until I have friends or a gf to go with so probably not.
My last live entertainment outing was ruined by literal fags.
I went to see Oliver Tree. I bought my ticket early, I bought the VIP tickets that cost twice as much ($40) that were balcony seats.
I get there on time but still a huge line.
I was able to find the last spot along the railing. It didn't matter that it was a "balcony", if you weren't on the railing, you weren't seeing shit.
I hadn't been to a live show in over a decade, I forgot about opening acts.
Had to sit through some boring techno guy.
Next, some disgusting faggot called Tommy Ca$h comes on. Sounds like shit and is just fucking gross.
Two minutes he comes on, two fags as in homosexuals as in to men who drink semen come up right next to me against the railing and take up too much room. So close that they're stepping on my shoes and their arm hair and skin are touching mine.
Grunt, politely try to push them away, they don't care, they ignore it.
Oliver Tree and his fans are super liberal. This is also in downtown Columbus, Ohio, and I'm here by myself.
These fags are cuddling, grinding their asses into each other's crotch and bumping into me.
If I say anything, it will be chill out its a party, don't like it move elsewhere. If I shove hard enough its a two on one fight. If I insult them or tell them to stop acting like cocksuckers, its bigotry in a crowd of liberals in downtown Columbus.

It's too late to go to the mosh pit which admittedly would have had a better view and if someone didn't mind the space, I could move to another area of the pit and still see.
But its way too late, if I went down now I'd be so far in the back I'd be in the hallway and couldn't see.
Also, fuck you, I paid twice as much to see him in what was supposed to be a spacious balcony.
I decided to leave, literally as he was about to finally take the stage.
I'd rather lose $40 and a night than be grinded on by some faggots.

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It's a shame what happened to Cbus. It used to be so beautiful and fun until Kasich flooded it with filthy niggers from Somalia. Now it's a disgusting 3rd world hell hole. Still has good craft beer though.

I know man.
I could stand the potentially dangerious niggers of the 90's to 2000's in Columbus.
But fuck me are things bad.
Fucking somalians WHO DON'T FUCKING BATHE are everywhere in Columbus, and in the last 5 years invading the suburb cities surrounding it.
The literal faggotry just keeps increasing.
The fags used to keep to themselves and stay in gay area of North High St. and come out in June during gay pride month.
Now they are fucking everywhere.

I don't see why fags have to behave that way and why people couldn't fucking mind personal space.

Its sad but funny how everything BUT Columbus is nice in Central Ohio.

Hillard is okay, well, it used to be better, but its got a lot of shit nowadays.
Obetz is and always will be bumfuck with an Airport and an Amazon ware house, but its okay.
Galloway is NICE.
Gahanna is okay, less niggers would be nice.
Fuck Westerville, but still better than Columbus.
Grove City is good, and its come a hell of a long way from the GroveTucky days.
Reynoldsburg and Pickerington is good.
And I fucking love Dublin. Too many asians, but good asians.

Dublin is the best IMO. The property prices are high enough to keep niggers out and the Asians that live there are based Japs working at the Honda facility. Pickerington has changed dramatically over the past 10 years and is now unfortunately 50% nig infested.

>no bars, clubs, concerts, or sporting events
>family life important again
COVID killed degeneracy.

>go to see something
>>fags are interested in what you're interested in

>this website still exists
I suppose we need at least one degenerate outlet

Isn’t that illegal?

I never went to concerts where i didnt buy tickets at the door

>tfw bought concert tickets for a show with New Order and Pet Shop Boys this September
Fuck I hope this doesn’t come back

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*posts on Yas Forums*

I leave the house so little I sometimes forget that I'm under lock down and my wife has to remind me that I can't do X because of it. seeing normies go crazy over having to spend a week with their kids/spouse is eye opening

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They probably hide a line in the TOS saying that upon purchase all customers voluntarily surrender their right to a refund.

The funny thing is that if it had been a man and his wife doing all this shit you wouldn't have bitched at all

I used to live in Columbus. From what I’ve heard it was the gay capital as far back as the 80s.
I moved away in 2015 but it sounds like it’s gptten worse since then. That sucks

Enjoy your endless loneliness

I'd happily go to the opera if I could understand the words they were singing. I'd feel like kind of a jerk off if I went just because it sounds so nice.
Also, I haven't seen many plays, but I always enjoyed them. I doubt I can find anyone to go to one with me.

I haven't been to Pickerington since 2013 for college.

How are sporting events degenerate?

>family life important again

I talk to my family the same amount as always, which is none

I think they give you translations or some shit

No and No

What the fuck is this for real?

Dublin is so nice, but god is it expensive, but it fucking works.
The cheapest apartment you can get in Dublin is like $800. And that was me last checking 6 years ago.
But it's high enough to keep the niggers, spics, SOMALIANS, arabs and white trashout.
And the jobs in the area are fancy/skilled/high standard enough to keep the above from getting jobs there.
There's two jobs IN Dublin, customer service or office job for a fortune 500 company.
>But what about Honda
Nigga, we both know the Honda plant is in Marysville, not Dublin.

I did not know that.

They have programs with the translation in them. Or if you go to the new fangled venues they have the translation on the back of the chair in front of you


More like Jewmaster with all of the extra charges they tack on the the event price.

>what's that, you want to buy a ticket for $35? Ok, that will be an extra $10.50 for convenience charge, $5.50 for Point of Service charge, an extra $2 for using a credit / debit card and don't forget your state's sales tax?


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Oliver Tree sucks and you're a faggot for even thinking of going, closet case

Used to live in Cbus and Zanesville. I miss ohio. Remember the big fire?

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Hockey is pretty fun to watch in person, but apart from that, adult men wearing jerseys and worshipping other men often decades younger than they are is straight cuckoldry. Imagine being a tub of shit and not realizing your wife would much rather fuck the ripped negroes you're watching on TV.

Do you even know when you're trolling anymore?