W/ - Westworld

Dolores Edition


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New season out? Lost interest once they left Westworld.


1. Who repairs her and with what supplies
2. How does she pass for a 21st century person, did she have some jack into the net moment where she downloaded wikipedia

>Louis Herthum
i usually dont go full reddit "can we take a minute and appreciate" posting, but this dude really did pivot from Dad to psycho really well. He deserved The Shining music, not that shitty beach scene.

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It's unironically better than S2.


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>yes... Caleb will have the tendies and a sprite
what do you think his favorite dipping sauce is?

This season feels like an apology for/retcon of season 2 so far. I’d still say it’s mediocre at best, reminds me of Deus Ex but with really dull, pedestrian art direction.

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She has access to robot supplies through black market and Delos. To tell you how if you are not watching would spoil one of the only 'reveals' in the show people cared about.
She read behavioral files on park guests before leaving and soon after in the real world she basically did what you suggest and the plot is kind of about it. Except with social media instead of wikia.

more like peepee poopoo with my big fat poohole aha

It is halfway through and there has not been one memorable scene.
It is incredibly underwhelming

That yellow filter pissed me off so much

At least it isn't painful to watch.


They spent the money filming on real locations in Singapore and LA and tarting them up with CGI to match the real lighting conditions.
Thus it looks pedestrian in the main.
Not really a good idea, I wonder if the DPs on this show are bored as fuck.

At least they put him in a chair opposite Anthony Hopkins. I wished they used him a little bit more, but they use him pretty well.

So she has basically next to no learning curve adapting to the new world.

Hopkins was a stage actor and he employed the golden rule here which was to step the fuck out of the spotlight and make the other guy look good. That's not insulting Herthum at all btw.

She's an AI with much more computing power in her head than human brain, no shit.

I wish I was more into theater. It seems to attract more "true" actors. But yeah, they played off each amazingly. When Herthum grabs Hopkins and Hopkins is still unfazed? Great stuff. It's also interesting how they made Abernathy the first to achieve true consciousness, but they don't make him as special as the protagonists.

Musicals can suck my dick though.

>I wonder if the DPs on this show are bored as fuck.
My first question is, are they the same DPs Season 1 had (both versions of it) because if so, they don't have the same challenges in front of them any more (natural lighting).

Yeah, in-universe that makes sense but from a dramatic standpoint watching an AI actually learn something through trial and error is more interesting to watch than "I downloaded godmode"

>and Hopkins is still unfazed?
That's what I mean by "make the other guy look good." He refuses to steal any of Herthum's energy in the scene. I asked Herthum this on twitter and he more or less agreed about that.
>Musicals can suck my dick though.
I'm not a fan of them either, but I will make an exception for Singin' in the Rain which I expected to fucking hate but enjoyed.

I really like Wicked for some reason. Spamalot was decent as well.

>for some reason
If you don't want to fuck Idina Menzel you're dead. She was hot even in Enchanted and she didn't sing a fucking word.

Sadly, I am dead in spirit. I have no will to live, yet keep finding reasons to do so.

What kills me about Dolores is that ERW was a legitimately good actress in The Conspirator. Human, warm, believable. No True Blood hamming it up either. There isn't a single miscasting in it, btw. One of the few things where you watch it solely for the acting and don't feel like a pretentious fag for doing so.

She's said stuff in interviews about her acting process that was kind of interesting, in terms of how little direction she got that you would think would be useful. They kept so much secret she didn't know she was Wyatt, that William was MiB etc until she worked it out while filming, and was told to keep it quiet from the other actors when she asked Nolan's wife. I think she said she worked out William was MiB when she saw the way Jimmi Simpson put his hat on was the same way Ed Harris did. And she kept looking at the call sheets to see who was cast as Wyatt.

Anyway, I bring that up because she talked about how she had to work out how to transition from Delores to interrogation mode to 'Wyatt-Delores' to 'alive-Delores' and how she got basic direction
>you are an innocent farmer's daughter
>now you're a robot
>now you've got hidden knowledge from yourself and everyone else
and that was it.
Which makes scenes when she goes from being hysterical to calm analysis mode etc in a second in S1 more impressive.
It probably also explains why her monotone S2 personality was shit, she probably just got told "now you're threatening and have a masterplan" but didn't actually know what her character's plan was.

She also complimented Hopkins and said she took advice from him and even tried to copy his style in some scenes.

i think actors get left to drift and make it up way more than we might think, and some directors don't give a shit beyond did they say the lines as written and not look into the camera.

>What kills me about Dolores is that ERW was a legitimately good actress in The Conspirator.
She was legitimately good in S1 of Westworld. She just became insufferable once they told her she was going to play a "badass".

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Have their been any other male examples of hitting the wall worse than Aaron Paul? He hit it even harder than Ben Affleck and I thought that would be impossible.

ERW as Robin Wright's daughter is pretty good casting.

he looks middle-aged you fucking roastie

Men can't hit the wall because their entire being isn't centered on looking good.