Welcome user to the sanctum of Chads

>Welcome user to the sanctum of Chads.
>You to may ascend to Chadom. Provided you name your most favorite film.

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Eyes Wide Shut

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The Grifter

The dark knight rises

No Country for old men

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Rocky I

Fight Club

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Thief (1981)

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Spiderman 2, how could you tell?

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The Master of Disguise.

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>my favorite kee-noh you say? yeah that would be Total Recall

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The Tree of Life

Treasure Planet.

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>Why, yes, I do hate memes, how could you tell?

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Prince of Egypt, how could you tell?

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Star Wars, épisode III : La Revanche des Sith (2005)

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The Evil Dead trilogy

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for me? it's Rat Race

Why yes I do skip all the jack and rose scenes. How could you tell?

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A three-way tie between Cannibal Holocaust, Men Behind the Sun, and the opening scene to World of Glory.

Léon (1994)

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Didn't mean to reply

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There was a prophecy that some day, one would rise to lead us. To bring balance to capeshit and the kino. I think we have found our chosen one.

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Apocalypto (2006)-Gibson

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The Thing

Stanley Kubrick's bonechilling, slow burn, eerie atmospheric "say more with less" character study suspenseful character development driven A24 "The Shining", of course, what's yours?

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Alita: Battle Angel (2019)

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Lord of the rings I guess? I don't really watch movies, or any western media for that matter. Western media is pozzed beyond belief and I want nothing to do with it, I'll stick to my animes.

For me, its Porco Rosso


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Excellent taste, see you in chadhalla my nigga

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>Chad's like pozzed western media
Whatever you say Reddit.

I’ll raise a glass for you

Jack and Jill

The Blues Brothers

the thread is unironically embarrassing and i barely post here

we just have to name it? it doesn't matter what it is?

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I find it weird that limp-wristed anons save pictures of photoshopped muscular men in their computers to LARP as them and compare their movie "Tastes" with their own ilk