>Welcome user to the sanctum of Chads.
>You to may ascend to Chadom. Provided you name your most favorite film.
Welcome user to the sanctum of Chads
Eyes Wide Shut
The Grifter
The dark knight rises
No Country for old men
Rocky I
Fight Club
Thief (1981)
Spiderman 2, how could you tell?
The Master of Disguise.
>my favorite kee-noh you say? yeah that would be Total Recall
The Tree of Life
Treasure Planet.
>Why, yes, I do hate memes, how could you tell?
Prince of Egypt, how could you tell?
Star Wars, épisode III : La Revanche des Sith (2005)
The Evil Dead trilogy
for me? it's Rat Race
Why yes I do skip all the jack and rose scenes. How could you tell?
A three-way tie between Cannibal Holocaust, Men Behind the Sun, and the opening scene to World of Glory.
Léon (1994)
Didn't mean to reply
There was a prophecy that some day, one would rise to lead us. To bring balance to capeshit and the kino. I think we have found our chosen one.
Apocalypto (2006)-Gibson
The Thing
Stanley Kubrick's bonechilling, slow burn, eerie atmospheric "say more with less" character study suspenseful character development driven A24 "The Shining", of course, what's yours?
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
Lord of the rings I guess? I don't really watch movies, or any western media for that matter. Western media is pozzed beyond belief and I want nothing to do with it, I'll stick to my animes.
For me, its Porco Rosso
Excellent taste, see you in chadhalla my nigga
>Chad's like pozzed western media
Whatever you say Reddit.
I’ll raise a glass for you
Jack and Jill
The Blues Brothers
the thread is unironically embarrassing and i barely post here
we just have to name it? it doesn't matter what it is?
I find it weird that limp-wristed anons save pictures of photoshopped muscular men in their computers to LARP as them and compare their movie "Tastes" with their own ilk