>yes, it is "Dog", that's D as in delta, O, G
Yes, it is "Dog", that's D as in delta, O, G
cute dog
mexico is a weird place
based doggo keeping the bitches in check
Damn, these hideous bitches must be from whatever shithole those MUH AMERIKKKA obsessed posters are from
whats wrong with its tail?
Chang wanted a snack.
third one from the left is a gorgeous woman
Looks like argentina
Who do dogs vote for?
>that's D as in delta
my gf's dad does this. is it a boomer thing?
xxxX jajajaja XD Xxxx
Fucking voter fraud is so rampant they just take pictures of it happening.
A tenderness: he went to vote and did not appear in the register
The postcard went viral. In it a stray puppy appears, in the framework of the elections, with its paws on a school table.
As in all elections, stray dogs also had their moment of fame. On Sunday, a Facebook user photographed an animal that was trying to participate in suffrage at a school.
Since that's Argentina, Perronistas.
God dammit Rover, I told you not to vote Democrat. Bad boy!
Based perro caca
that is not a bitch yankee drumpf also this ia puerto rico which is USA
Perro-nistas kek
just look at that heckin cute pupperineaux
I Wish I Could Upvote This Twice
"How am I not? Look well with F ... de Firulais," wrote Jorge Altamirano amused.
The doggo is just tying to get the treats on the table
ese perro está loco jajajaja XDDDD XP
Nam , You try talking to ARVNs over a 77 set ,
Can I vote too anons? I promise I will vote Republican
Amerisharts look like this?
>delta, O, G
calm down chang
>puerto rico which is USA
based retard
based civic nationalist
Una vela...
El Presidente
based retard
lol no way did he really say that?!! haha
ITs the future face of America and it is beautiful.
And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.
It's a military thing, you zoomer soiboy
>I can't bear to see your child growing up without a father.