I'm getting ready to watch this. Is it good?
I'm getting ready to watch this. Is it good?
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Real lolita shit
Nothing with the name "Demon," Is "good."
it's good if you like refn
it's not as good as drive but it's the same level as his other shit
It's awful. Total stupid horse shit. Jena Malone's agent should jump off a bridge, she's so much better than the movies her friends put her in.
Is this like a vampire movie? Do people get killed in it. Any nudity?
it's shit
It's a movie about how hard it is to be a model. That's it.
Sounds awful.
female captain planet
It truly is an awful movie. Leave it to Elle Fanning and Christina Hendricks to be in movies that are terrible.
Whoa...neon, exotic, like bright vegas lights...demon...like something horrible and otherworldly...you can just get a sense for what an offbeat, subversive, lascivious, powerful film this is...
Watch Helter-Skelter instead.
How can Elle Fanning play a model when she has the most assymetrical face in Hollywood? It's literally half a size too small on one side.
It's boring and dull. Watch it on 4x when you start to get bored, thank me later.
Being a female model hasn't been about being attractive in decades. It's only about being able to walk in outlandish/ugly clothing.
>West Coast High Fashion Eyes Wide Shut
First decent production from this Danish faggot since Drive, easily better as far as characterization goes with Fanning. You'll enjoy it more if you found Hollyweird occult stuff in something like EWS and Under the Silver Lake intriguing.
It’s essentially a wacky b movie, which happens to be one of the finest examples of digitally shot 4k(ino) out there. Fun/10, actually sums up la women pretty well
It's honestly one of his worst films but it's still pretty good.
its kino
I saw it alone in a theater and had a great time. Not an amazing movie but it was fun seeing it like that
Sucked and I really enjoy refn films
better watch Polar or Anna, as this flick let me craving for real neo-noir.
I watched it on Kodi , which was a mistake cause it was barely 720p
Was not impressed in the slightest and I liked Only God Forgives
God, this was so cringe coming out of his mouth. Did anyone stop researching in LG forums to see how we talk?
Great movie, ignore the plebs. And its not just about being a model like morons say. Its a pretty dark film and very visually striking. Also too old to die young is great
This movie is beautiful but the third act shows the lack of substance the whole story is, there are some redpills about beauty and the modeling business but nothing else.
Honestly I find the third act silly, but the rest of the movie pays of, it's the most impressive aesthetic movie I ever saw.
Prettier, more pretentious Showgirls.
>I saw it alone in a theater and had a great time.
Me too, I even liveshitposted on Yas Forums
So there's lots of nudity and sex?
there are lots of rape and unbirthing.
a girl has lesbian sex with a corpse
watching it on fast-forward and mute, and slowing down for the more aesthetic shots wouldn't be a bad way to watch it. Definitely "visually striking" in many shots.
Style over substance, but if you only watch movies for the story anyway you're just too fucking stupid to read books. It's a picture show. It's good at what it does. Ultimate Ameripleb test.
Oh okay uh thanks anyway.
one of the best trailers
the movie was good but forgettable