2 episodes from ending forever

>2 episodes from ending forever
>not a single thread for the whole season

This used to be the show that even the president watched. What the FUCK happened?

Attached: Homeland_season_8.jpg (250x375, 64.22K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Should've ended with the guy winning at the end of S01 and then made a spinoff or something to capitalize on the popularity. Fake and gay cliffhanger bullshit that undermines itself to keep you watching is cancer.

that's unrelated to the latest. season. I just wanted to let you know that. thanks.

Jackson Pace is relentlessly handsome.

What show does the president watch now

Nobody gives a fuck about Kang Nigger's propaganda show.

Only the greatest shows. The very best ones.

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God is this still going? Its one of those shows that just never actually goes anywhere.

Don't you mean "Tang"?


He grew up very fucking handsome

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I love it so far. On par with S1 and S4.
I think so. No one else will.

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Based Oleg

>obsessed with nerd fantasy and hating LBGT

Keep scrolling, no pathology to see here

I watched a bit of Homeland when I was at my parents' place last year. Midwit garbage, just astoundingly bad and pseudo-serious show. Bad acting from the bitch lead, unsympathetic characters, and a plot that spent 90% of the time singing the praises of the fucking CIA and other such satanic organizations. Garbage to make establishment democrats and NeverTrump republicans feel good about the MIC and the permanent state.
That new Jack Reacher show in venezuela was the same. Absolute fucking drivel, quippy CIA propaganda. Fuck these demons.

>A show released in 2011 is made to appease never Trumpers
Trump supporters truly are smooth brained morons.

You are relentlessly correct.

lmao they had to get rid of the female President so they could put in a retard Republican because Hillary lost.

The gorilla channel

I've been watching it all season, pretty good so far, I'm too much of a retard to understand some of the geopolitics, like why that curry chick is trying to sabotage stuff. I'm confused why she's even a part of this season when she was a terrorist in one of the earlier seasons

He's not a moron. He's being taken advantage of in a crisis by a ultra-right dickhead who thinks war=good.

She wasn't a terrorist. She's the head of Pakistani ISI (their CIA) and of course she'd be involved with major political changes with Pakistan's most volatile neighbor.

ah, I had thought she was the chick that was a news anchor that gave brody the suicide bomb.



She should be part of my harem

this. why the hell did those threads always reach 250+ replies. they all seem to get way too intimately involved to pretend they just treat it like a modern freakshow

ironically the show is soulless without the ginger

Stopped watching like season 4. Is the show any good after that?

Is this what is left of Clair's career? I hope not. She had such promise.

She had any kino manic episodes this season?
Fox News
I hate shows that make the CIA, FBI, and other secret organizations out to be heroes instead of the sociopathic demons that love to sponsor coups and fascists that they are.

NO one cares it turned to shit after Daniel Day-lewis left.

They are the bad guys, it just turns shit when she stops being CIA, and does NGO shit.

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FUCK ME Damian Lewis lol

For some reason the alt right got obsessed with tranny hating in the last couple years. I think they just needed something to fill the void ever since the 2015 gay marriage ruling pwned the anti gay movement.

Dana always added a special touch to the show

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Is Yas Forums the final boss?

I think Season 8 has been the best season so far