Tv can't defend this
Tv can't defend this
Is that the guy who sucks on tranny dink?
sex gifs
Christian's bald fucking head ruins so many films for me. I immediately click out when I see him.
>no Mike Judge
I've actually been thinking about this for a while, I think the "all asians look the same" comes from the fact that asians fucking hate each other so much that when they settle in America they cluster by country, so all people ever see of asians are actually about all the same nationality. People all from the same country often look the same.
No that's Adem Sessler from G4.
Why does he fuck them so SLOW, like, he only puts the head of his dick in wtf
No, they also all have the same colour hair, eyes, and general size and head shapes. Theyre literally bugs.
This is fundamentally wrong when we consider hair and eye colours
Isn't he Colombian?
Yeah, whites do look the same
Don't forget
Dayton shooter mogs the other two
I've noticed that Korean people do look different from each other but their k-pop stars actually arr rook same.
because they all get plastic surgery. its just what is expected if you have money/fame over there
I just started the Wire and I unironically thought the guy who plays Rawls became fatter and plays Hank in Breaking Bad
Why do men of Mediterranean descent bald more than others? Same with European.
doesn't this just prove that differences in hair color (which asians don't have) is the primary factor in differentiating faces?
They don't look alike at all. Other than being white and bald, they have completely different facial features.
Hey... they just reused the same actors!
Is meth the only thing that can differentiate your face from others?
made me spit out my drink
>No, they also all have the same colour hair, eyes, and general size and head shapes
That's called a race, retard. The actual problem here is that "white" isn't a race. It's a collection of races. The Irish are not the same race as the Anglos are not the same race as the Franks, etc.
why can't white people cook?
You fucking idiot, that's all the same guy
>speed freak
>el duende de america
White people go bald haha
>sir there's a new transsexual hitting the scene!
>I'll make the call
weird I don't have one of those in my family.
>this is white in america
ay dios mio...
Hairlets should be made fun of.
Is this the Bruce Willis thread?
no matter how segmented you get with "white", we still have differing hair and eye color/styles and don't literally all have glasses
lol no
>no matter how segmented you get with "white", we still have differing hair and eye color/styles and don't literally all have glasses
Again, that's because "white" isn't a race. If you actually narrowed down the individual white races, you would find we all heavily resemble those in our race.
I've been cooking 9 years and these memes crack me up
bugs that i pump full of babies after a week then ghost them. idgaf. asians are meant to carry my seed
he gets paid by the second
he's meming but its true. I once confused two white guys who I hung out with once who were in different friend groups