Yep, it's kino alright

yep, it's kino alright

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Will my cunny gf watch Dunc with me? Is it out yet?


Timothee Chalamet is relentlessly handsome.



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I didn't care much for that faggot kike rat before when everyone was making lots of shitty threads about him and the 1 sperg that says he is handsome, but man don't I fucking hate him now. I don't know why. I mean I know, he will try to make this "huge role" into some overly dramatic faggotry for his chance to show his acting ability. He will overdo it and make it unnatural. Fuck that cheese block chin, rat faced, haystack haired kike fag.

how pozzed is it?

Nope he won't have two wives so it's a cuck show

Is he going to travel to dune from that beach?

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Very they're making it feminist.
And not old feminist that wants equal rights (that merely destroys society)
but nu feminism that is cringe and very pozzed.


holy SHIT

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the book is about a group of women who manipulate people
also all the characters are muslim arabs

I trust this man. He speaks like a gentleman and a scholar. He speaks with power and confidence and his words are true. This is the kind of man that you want by your side during the fiercest battles. This is the kind of man that will stand for what is right. This is the kind of man that we need more of. Bravo, mister. Here's to you!

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Looks like capeshit. I thought it was Dr. Strange poster.

э u n c

duncan checks in

This... guy? I don't know. He doesn't inspire me any confidence. This, I'd say this is the kind of person that you don't want around. You can just feel that his energy is not right. Sometimes it doesn't take much but you know when someone is off. Sir, I will be blunt. We don't really enjoy the company of your kind around this establishment. Please follow me to the door where I will politely invite you to leave the premises. I would appreciate if you wouldn't make a scene as to not disturb the rest of our highly valued guests.

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paul looks pretty gay to me

get DUNC'd on fagget

That's just you projecting.


He's made for BBC



Making Jew the lead of Dunc was a mistake


Absolutely unhinged

you're right. they should have chosen a fucking beaner, because that worked so well when Lynch filmed his version in "Dead Dog Dump" in Mexico.