Is Turkish oil wrestling kino? also: is it gay?

Is Turkish oil wrestling kino? also: is it gay?

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yes and yes.

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>7 Days Free
Of w-what?

Whats the deal with turks? I thought islam hated gays

That guy helps you get dressed for a week. No charge

Sounds too convenient to be true

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Ottomans dude, don't know how else to explain it.

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What in the fuck kind of sport is this?

When you spend 800 years beheading anyone who acts even a little fruity, you don't even realize oily muscular men wrestling might be sexual.

It's a submission hold, once you have a dude by the balls he has to tap out. Nothing gay about it unless you get hard.

In ancient Greece, where this tradition began, the participants were fully naked.

It was only after the Ottomans took over that pants were introduced for reasons of modesty.

But why was he massaging his opponents chest?

if you laugh from being tickled you get a point deduction

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To make him submit faster

i got a semi watching this, what does that mean?

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>nothing gay about it
>unless you get hard
>massaging his nipples to induce gayness and get his opponent to submit or risk beheading
Playing some real deep 4D oil wrestling chess right there son

God I wish some female olympic wrestler would choke me out and peg me after

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Don't know what to tell ya user.

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You were born in the wrong millennium. 2000+ years ago you would have been right at home.

Reminds me of a little blurb about goat intestines

National sport of Turkey

I just want to oil check Gina Carano, is that too much to ask?

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T*rkey isn't like the rest of the arab, muslim world.

post more ads like this pls

I need to nose check her asshole.

Turk here
The answer is this, our ancestors did so much killing that it made us mildly autistic
Although there were many faggot jewish ottoman leaders who got pederasty from the greeks

Someone post the "SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN" one that's a guy in an oxygen mask doing some stupid exercise

The point of this kind of wrestling is to make it harder to grab the opponent but might as well lose the pants altogether and let them grab the ass cheeks.

In their mind, they think they are probably the least gay people in there but probably rock hard while wrestling.

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What if my opponent grabs my erect penis, lifts me up and throws me on the ground? I think getting hard it's a bad idea in the turkish wrestling.

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The places that hate gays the most tend to be the most homo erotic. Honestly, it makes sense. As much as looking at that makes us think of gay porn its not a sexua lact, its literally too men fighting. When you allow gays in your culture suddenly any interaction between men suddenly 'feels gay' and men just aren't allowed to be themselves with each other and have fun without the accusations and insinuations.

It becomes a psychological battle too besides physical. Just don't get hard bro.

>It's not what it looks like, I'm just looking for a watch I lost