What is your favorite romance movie?

what is your favorite romance movie?

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i'm 6'2 but i want a wife who's taller than me. alpha as fuck.

theirs a girl at my job who's like 6'3 and she always wears heels, I'll put in a good word for you

watch this you plebs, it's manlet kino

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but is she one of those fat outgoing dyke types who played field hockey in high school?

leg lengthening surgery?

French Kiss

probably not, her arms seem proportionate. Just a genetic noodle by the looks of it. If she had meat like pic related she'd be a goddess

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Genetic freak, when gooks get big they get big

>what is your favorite romance movie?
The one wear she dies and he gets all the money.

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She looks like Miss Cibo from Blame!.

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The Notebook.
I'm not a huge fan, but it generally leads to sex so it's my favorite movie.

taxi driver

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me and my gf

don't have one go back to plebbit Op

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Cute and true

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who is she?

gonna need sauce on all 3 chicks

I got fucking called out for height frauding on my first date yesterday. I claimed 6' but I'm actually 5'11.5" and when I told her I'm 6' she said "no you're not!" and proceeded to get up pics of her standing next to her bro gor comparison. I was stuttering non-stop as I came up with excuses.
Felt bad man....

>actually unironically caring about height
Good job failing the shit test

This place really makes people insecure.

who tf is still dating during this lockdown?

lol I didn't even realize that guy said his date yesterday. Could just be bait.

This has actually become one of my fetishes. Really want to date a tall girl, bros.

I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

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Closeted manlet thread, no surprise you pathetic fags.




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how do I get this power?

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She's wearing heels with lifts in the front. She's probably like 5 8.