>Pro wrestling can't be kino-
Pro wrestling can't be kino-
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That's infuriatingly stupid.
Marks in the ring were a mistake.
He's on the receiving brunt of every one of those maneuvers, how am I supposed to believe he's at the advantage after ending up underneath the guy every single time
Kenny O da gawd
>little guy has big guys do all the work
and people complain vince likes big guys
Go back to your man child containment board.
is that the
>there are people who actually watch gayew
>"Wednesday Night Wars"
>both shows average 600k per week
Smarks killed wrestling
Breaking news; WWE deemed essential service in Florida by the governor.
That looks like shit. Now, highflyers division on TNA? Those were the times...
This looks awful. Not as awful as the forced women's wrestling, but awful still.
Wrestling died with WCW/WWF.
Don't mind me, posting actual wrestlekino.
God damn stephanie used to be so hot, what the fuck happened?
Gaytch is shoot gay and has slowly been turning her into a man over the years.
600k more than your zero dimes podcast you ding-dong diddly simp
The kino is in Japan and NXT Takeovers.
TNA chad here. Fuck Tessa though.
Admit it, you marked the fuck out.
That little midget is going to hold Jurassic Express down.
>gook shit
that clip is nearly 20 years old.
So this is what Abby Russell does on the weekends.
flipshit is cringe
I liked cena's match better but taker was pretty based too.
Is this the lowest form of American entertainment?
The Brawl for All doc was pretty kino.
This looks entertaining to me. Why are people in this thread seething?
It is now but back in the day it was top tier kino.
>It will never be this based again
Comic book movies.
based Vince Russo. name one thing he did wrong
Based XChad
Vince's genetics
fuck off carder tranny
I mean she's still hot, she's a prime MILF these days dunno what you're talking about.
Stop watching WWE.
that looks fucking terrible
>pro wresting cant be essenti..
Steph irl still looks hot af. caked in too much makeup though but still prime milf body
every fucking time