Can we get a comfy Disney World thread? M8s, I think of suicide daily...

Can we get a comfy Disney World thread? M8s, I think of suicide daily. I have nothing in my life and I'm a complete failure. I need this to brighten my day.

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It won't be comfy because you will get several kind of posters

>Coasterfags who think everything that isn't zoom zoom big drop is trash
>poor people who can't afford to go on vacations
>incels who think it's all "fag shit"

why cant it be autumn already...

My trip isn't till October. Gotta go during the Not So Scary Halloween.

What makes the various Disney Lands and World so much more magical than other parks?

Effort and attention to detail. Sometimes it's just the little things like the fact that it's always clean. There are trash cans and bathrooms everywhere yet you never "see" them, since they blend in the environment and are always spotless.

If you let yourself, you can feel like you're in a whole different place.

I've been suicidal off and on for several years now. Currently feeling very pessimistic today.

I live in the Orlando area but really want to go to Disney World (or Universal Studios). Been fucking years since I've been to either but I'm a poorfag who likes to save his money so I feel like it'll be awhile before I actually go again.

Attention to detail, taking the guest experience seriously, making the park excellent in every possible way instead of just doing what makes the biggest profit margin. Not even much of a disneyfag but i went to disney world and universal the same week a few years ago and the difference in quality and philosophy was undeniable

what part of orlando? dont live there anymore but used to live in colonial town by bumby and 50

Is it conventional wisdom that World > Land? Or other way around.

Watch The Florida Project
it's all about how bright and happy Disneyworld is

World is "better" in that it has a lot more to do, and most of what it does have is newer.

Land is more "quaint" and better if you want a more "classic" feel.

That's not far from where I live at all. I'm on the west side of town, not too far from the magic mall

For me, it’s Garden Grill

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hated living there to be honest man, i live in a coastal town now and really dont miss fighting the traffic and all that. you there for school or work or what?

Get a discord, faggots.

ive seen a surge of these threads since the last successful one. best to leave these to the anons who actually provide original substance and not make them every fucking day.

Shutup zoomer, go donate 500 dollars to some whore streamer

disneyworld is kino if you're not a poorfag cheaping out on shit. i can see why people are disneyfags. if you're planning to go stay in a disney resort property and stay for at least a whole week. do 1 park per day and any other extra day to hop around the disney resorts or shopping at disney springs etc. if you stay more than a week you can check out universal as well. i got addicted to it and will be planning a 3rd visit soon, i want to go to the other disney stuff in other countries as well

is this an orlando free zone or something nigger?

Land is a better park.
World is a better resort.

there is a shill type youtube that is like TOP 10 things they are doing at disney.

im guessing this is a shill post.

I didn't think these existed but here we are.

Jesus christ American cuisine can be so fucking bland at times, even that simple breakfast looks barely better than the shit UK people eat.

My parents took me and my brother to Disney World a few times and Disney Land a couple of times.
It was fine back then when I was like 11, I can't think of a single thing that would even be worth the airfare now.
Maybe Epcot, but I wouldn't go for that alone either.
Are you guys literal manchildren or something? Pedos? I don't get it, what's the draw?

Ive visited tokyo disney sea last year and the level detail was insane. It probably also helped that japs are quiet and polite so waiting for a ride isn’t as bad as in the us with schreeching kids and niggers

>you there for school or work or what?

i don't completely mind it but yeah the traffic does kinda suck at certain times of the day

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I went to HK Disney when the riots were on so attendance was really low and it was ok minimal to zero waiting for attractions, if it were packed the experience would be significantly diminished and arguably not worth it. Universal in Japan was overall better.

>can be so bland at time
>at times
I didn't even say all American cuisine was shit but your ass still got so defensive, what's it like constantly being upset when people say mean thing about country?

>Goes out of a way to make it a a country pissing contest
>Gets made when someone calls him out on it
Damn you europoors really are touchy aren't you? I thought you types liked the "bants"?

>if he not American must be European
My bad user, I was unaware of your mental condition. That breakfast looks really good!

UCF or rollins or what? UCF was one of the worst decisions ive ever made.

SSC, but transferring to UCF once i get my AA

Imagine spending $72 billion on Fox only for this to happen, Walt would be rolling in his grave if he saw what Bob Iger did to his company.

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well good luck but that's the worst staff ive ever dealt with

god, i hope you're wrong

i actually like the people i've dealt with at ssc though

I love EPCOT but it is in dire need of an overhaul. Unfortunately, all they do now is update shit with new IP tie ins.
>Jellyrolls on the Boardwalk just outside the park though is a fucking blast

the idea of epcot is cool but it sucks.

dworld is best imo. really feel that 60s vibe. they just re-painted the castle.