Ridiculous movies

I just recently watched this with the gf and it was absolutely fucking hilarious. We saw airplane recently too! I wish more comedies or movies in general would sacrifice realism for a good joke. Any recommendations of other movies up this alley?

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i have plenty of them, but you dont want no part of this SHIT

First Anchorman.
First Zoolander.
Maybe Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure if you can handle the 80's aesthetic.

Reno 911 Miami

Also Hot Rod.

Walk Hard was excellent. MacGruber was better.

Do yourself a favor.

>the gf
Take this kind of bullshit redditspeak back where it belongs

This movie is all about having a ridiculous and stupid premise that makes no sense and serves solely as a platform to write more jokes, I highly recommend it

Attached: topsecret.jpg (397x600, 52.61K)

I meant to say my wife and her bf, happy now?

This one is the best, next to airplane. Nothing but visual gags and joke songs.

>comedy musical with a lot of honest to god bangers in the soundtrack
It was a gem, OP.

They're called parody movies you stupid fags

This one is really good.

Every time his Dad said "the wrong kid died!" That was a joke about River Phoenix dying instead of Joaquine, I'm not sure how many people get that reference when they watch it, even though the movie is a direct parody the Johnny cash movie starring Phoenix

Not Another Teen Movie

Hey, have you heard the news? Dewey Cox died.

The Naked Gun films. They have some of the same writers as Airplane

Johnny Dangerously
The Naked Gun movies
Wrongfully Accused
Spy Hard

>basic internet abbreviations that have existed longer than you've been alive are "reddit speak"
Zoomers were a mistake.

Nice, never thought of that before.


Walk Hard is extremely hard to beat but Hot Shots and the Naked Gun movies are great.

I used to love this movie so much. The cow costume? The Ford pinto? The germans marching? The funny gun fights? I'm trying not to ruin any jokes but I definitely need to watch this again.

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It's literally the entire basis for the joke

You dumbass. Johnny Cash’s real life is the basis of that “joke”. How could you not know that? Your interpretation is 100% wrong.

No, it's about the fact Johnny Cash's father literally used to say that to him after his brother died from saw related injuries

the joke is that it's a trope in other movies but is supposed to be a subtle thing.

goddamn how old is that franchise


Found it for you.

>"He took the wrong son."
Direct quote from Cash's father.