TV show when?
TV show when?
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Too busy trying to cope on twitter about their boy endorsing someone who they just spent a year trashing.
Justin Cass (professionally known as Virgil Texas) raped a girl in college, but his rich parents made it go away
How smart are these guys
Watching Matt Christman's meltdown after the Bernie dropout was just sad. Even if you don't agree with him, he doesn't seem like a bad guy and it seems like his life's work turned out to be a failure. He put a lot of work into what he does, and he seems pretty intelligent, sad to see someone like that crash and burn
i'd say they all cap out at about 125 IQ, not a single 130+ among them
the massive gap between reality and whatever is going on in their heads is just sad
I'm just going to assume they are fleecing a bunch of trannies for patreon bucks because thinking they are also true believers is just depressing
oops i lost all ur money vote for the establishment :)
>He put a lot of work into what he does
lol nigga
chapo faggots on suicide watch
Matt seems like a good kid
of course the thumbnail is a texbook basedface. what a loser
Good god, the soi, bitch tits, glasses, and awful, unflattering haircuts in this picture. Lefty/pol/ is subhuman
he's been missing for weeks now and won't talk to the others
despite everything i still like matt. at least he's not a richie rich faggot like will or an autist like felix.
When are they going to distribute their wealth to the poor?
never cause theyre hypocritical mouthpieces
I don't agree with him on much but he tried to make some sort of change he believed in, more than I'm sure you could say about yourself.
so whats youre saying hes an idiot
You can tell from the replies itt that no one has actually listened to the podcast, which is why they're not saying anything about them specifically, just dropping the usual low IQ soundbites ("lol give your money to the poor!" and so on)
Which is a shame, because you all should really listen to it. They're really good at making fun of right-wingers and deconstructing that entire mindset, so much that even the average Yas Forumstard wouldn't be able to sit through a few episodes without subconsciously adjusting their behavior and developing some much needed self-awareness. It should be part of a mandatory re-socialization program for people who spent too much time here.
link us then
Seeing a picture of them is more than enough to know people who listen to their shit are fucking lame.
Faggy opinion desu, anyone that even remotely believes in communism or uses its imagery had never been in the real world imo
all empty words from a fool on his hill
how can anyone listen to and admire cretins like these. they look disgusting, disheveled, unwashed. Take care or yourself. None of you are Diogenes, you just look like hobo trash.
>they actually fell for it
thank you for all the (You)s losers
lol what
they're just edgelord leftists who try to be as cutting and edgy as Yas Forumstards but espouse anti-racism as much as anti-neoliberalism ideologies
I've tried all the breadtube "we deradicalize the right wing" bullshit like Contrapoints and Destiny and I remain unconvinced, what exactly do these chucklefucks say that is any different?
He doesn’t even lift.
the thing on the far left (heh, pun) is so fucking ugly but i remember when he was just a twitter account he would post angled selfies that hid the shape of his head and twitter women actually fell for it.
imagine turning up irl and seeing this
or maybe people don't need to critique, analyze, and deconstruct themselves in order to be immune (but now defeated in spirit) to partisan attacks from ugly people
please dude learn to think more than just seeing a symbol and having a reflex response like some base animal. The dude is several times more cringe than just being a basedface, leaving the fact of him having it insignificant
That’s what all their gripes boil down to, they hate being alive. All of what they do is to spread that ill feeling to everyone else until we’re all as miserable as they are. “Baby, I just want people to have health care”, my ass. The second putting those words into action, the praxis they fuckin claim to worship, she was out hunting down random cock. She should though, that’s natural unlike communism.
barclay shields was supposed to be just a character
What do you think is going on? It pretty clear that the covid chaos was good opportunity to recapitalize the American economy in favor of the wealthiest bankers in America. Look at the implications of the CARES Act.