Today I will remind them
The World is Not Enough
Definitely the best title song from the Brosnan era. Also imo the film itself is almost on par with Goldeneye, only thing holding it back are the rather forgettable action sequences.
Was it boatkino?
Of all the bands,artists, at the time they get Garbage. Ugh.
I always remember this film, because it was the last thing I saw before my life went to absolute shit.
Also the theme song was top tier
>only thing holding it back are the rather forgettable action sequences.
Dock and sub are both great imo. I even kinda like the ski scene, lower quality than goldeneye's action though yeah
What’s her name again in the movie?
>Of all the bands,artists, at the time they get Garbage. Ugh.
Yes and they gave a great song
Lara Croft
Easter Indiana
>I always remember this film, because it was the last thing I saw before my life went to absolute shit.
Could you elaborate on this?
Arbor Day Smith
Rain White
Honestly love the way the title sequence begins with the silhouette of 007 falling to the ground, beaten and broken and limping away after a absolutely disastrous event right out the gate.
Professor Boxingday James
>watching video reviewing The World is Not Enough
>youtuber criticizes the Q for calling it his fishing boat cause "hurr durr you no fish out dat"
humor is lost on some I suppose
I'll admit the cold open was great, but you can tell the director isn't to used to having to direct action scenes. I believe he mostly did documentaries before TWINE
I think he does pretty good. Dock fight is really well shot
Garbage is a legitimate good band, educate urself
The World Is Not Enough was a better game than goldeneye.
No idea why it slips under the radar so much.
What was the point of her ear again? I just remember her showing her ear and all of a sudden for Bond everything made sense or some shit.
I want her to torture me then make love to me then shoot me in the temple.
Dr. Titty Einstein
It's a little clunky but it had 4 player multi with bots so it was pretty based
5 years older than Denise Richards, and actually managed to age well as opposed to becoming a plastic shell. if you prefer christmas, you're a goddamn monkey.
Based except for that awful skiing level.
She hurt herself to make her dad and others think that she had been abused by Renard (she hadn't) to win sympathy and think she wasn't a psycho
Christmas inJuly
What always stood out to me was how you could just show the flashbang gun in the first level and skip the entire mission because of it
I had no idea! When you first enter the bank and retrieve it?
which version, n64?
I still gotta play it. Bought it years ago but need a memory pak since you cant save like in goldeneye