Is he being used? How will this season end?
Is he being used? How will this season end?
Ed will rape Rose and feed her to the pigs on her father's farm. Nothing personnel, flips
i mean they're already having consensual sex
>i could eat pork fed by roses feet
The season will end with David saving Varya from Geoffrey.
Imagine being her father - your entire life as a man providing food and money to your kids working back breaking labor on a shithole pig farm living in a hovel, ultimately culminating in your daughter being sold off as an effective sex slave to a 4'11 obese deformed gaijinn man who is older than you
I haven't gotten around to watching this current season yet because I've been buried with work, but I've seen the promos and isnt this the nigga that puts mayo in his hair to make it look shiny?
>Is he being used?
Literally all of them are being used. That's the whole point of the show.
I think Hammerhead will save He-Man
Imagine picking up a poverty flip and shes already used goods
Rose dumped him for Saff from Tiger King
Young Ed looks like James Bond
which show is this
I mean, but... isn't that the flip dream? Send that porkers money back. He seems like a nice enough fella.
>The season will end with David being "disappeared" by whichever Ukrainian militia group he's unwittingly funding
Rent and utilities can be exceptionally cheap in the Philippines. According to the international price comparison website, rent for a centrally located one-bedroom apartment in cities such as Davao City, Baguio, and Dumaguete is between $185 and $270 per month on average.
You send $400 a month and they're good
Pretty sure selling your nubile daughter(s) into sex slavery (in a brothel or to much older men) is one of SEA's oldest and proudest traditions
She's an unmarried single mother, which is extremely shameful in Filipino culture. When her father found out she was pregnant, he would've wanted to kill her. By this point she's already trash in her father's eyes so it doesn't matter who she marries, he'll just be glad to get rid of her.
Better call saul
I hope so
Did you guys see the hairless rat in Rose's living room? That place is grim
Sure, he uses her tight puss and braphole, and she uses his money. Literally all relationships are based on this dynamic.
This. Flip fathers aren't cucked like westerners.
This show is complete cancer.
I'm in a LDR and we visit a few times a year and I can't imagine travelling that far for the horrendous relationships that are throughout this show.
She looked really self aware when he pointed it out
I dont understand the obsession with flip women. Its like all the worst aspects of asians placed into a mexican creatura body. The voice alone would drive me insane
I felt bad for her especially since Big Ed whined so much. That scene where they were bucket showering together was great
>The voice alone would drive me insane
>rose starts speaking tagalog or whatever
Shit makes cantonese sound poetic
stream it so we can watch together
>Big Ed was a secret kinoplexor all along
Technically her dad and Big Ed are the same race, both are some mix of Asian and Spaniard.