Post real Yas Forums headlines

Post real Yas Forums headlines

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why is trump so stupid?


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why is msm so crazy?

Is this real


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king of the simps

Is CNN talking about trump bringing up a video from them?

Yes, Trump cut the funding to the domestic propaganda department created by Obama and the “news” corporations who don’t get Obama propaganda money anymore are really THIS mad.

>absolutely buttblasted by every fucking thing Orange Man Bad does, to the point of trying to generate controversy l
>doesn't seem to give much of a shit about blatantly bad things done Winnie The Pooh
Unironically really and truly makes you think.

>following bourgeois media like CNN

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Trump played a video over Jan/Feb/March of all the action he took because the media keeps saying he has done nothing

did you vote for this clown ironically?

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>China bad

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>describing actual events is now propaganda if they contradict the manufactured narrative
thats next level even for the kikes at cnn

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Why do you swallow propaganda so easily?

what did he mean by that?

All while the left was demanding their constituents attend mass gatherings in order to not be racist. I wonder how many of the initial New York surge can be tied to that Chinese New Year festival.

i hope as those conservative boomers lay dying in an agonizing death they remember that they voted for this piece of shit and gladly sold their life just to protect his and his cronies portfolio.

No but I will.

Yes and I will again

Yeah, all of those black overweight conservatives living in NYC and Chicago

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>China good
I can't tell if this is false flagging or if it really is Zhang on a dime

Anyone got that screenshot of that retard telling people to party in New York, then a month later saying it's trumps fault that they will have to bury their dead in the parks?

Shut up chink.

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Born with a lot of money and parents who didnt love him

>nooooo you can’t just play what we reported and our blatant bias back to people
>nooooo you can’t talk back to us we are the MEDIA

>from the standpoint of water
Comedy gold

How do you know his parents didn't love him?

Only a retard would believe trump is stupid

Last time was unironic. This time it will be ironic.


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How many decades has it been since Republicans last elected someone who wasnt mentally retarded or a criminal? Or both?

Imagine actually believing this schizobabble. The media cares about the truth, we have an obligation to keep your interests and rights paramount. Not that you care you're too busy deepthroatong alex jones and fox news like they were gospel. Stupid inbred racist idiot.

Anyone that pisses off the MSM like Trump does gets an unironic vote from me.

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400 IQ trolling tbqh

Not him but I think I read somewhere that Donald didn't get to see his mom much

Fake news, bootlicker.

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>The media cares about the truth

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billionaires are too busy doing coke and fucking children to raise their children

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>The media cares about their truth
Fixed for you

I don't even support Trump but that headline is ridiculously dramatic, a president still has the right to defend himself against the press

media is mad he is going to win reelection in a landslide victory after all the shit they said about him

>celebrate a bug people holiday
>die from bug people virus
cant make this shit up

Cast them

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It's a TV interview, jannies.

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I was more surprised that the video started with Fox News clips to show how the press downplayed the virus

Reminder that Trump hates all of you. You're LOSERS. Don't own property? LOSER. Not rich? LOSER. You're too afraid to talk to a woman, much less sleep with one. LOSER.

The media is an unaccountable institution with more power to influence American politics than any branch of the government.

we got too cocky changbros...

this. jews couldn't impeach him and they can't beat him so they'll probably have him assassinated. vengeance is all they know.

Does she do porn? Please say yes. If yes, her name please?

top kek, I love trump

And people's trust in the media has decreased significantly, even among democrats. They truly shot themselves in the foot

Can someone legit tell me why everyone is afraid to talk to Taiwan just because it might offend China? I mean Taiwan is REAL China. PRC is just a bunch of commie rebels.

Based, I hate losers like that too.

What's the context for this? Is there a Youtube link?

only retards marry eastern euro sluts