Where is my Trumpbux, Donald?

Where is my Trumpbux, Donald?

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youll get your trumpbucks when you fix this damn door

My wife got hers today. We file separately because I plan on upgrading someday.

>friend says they already have a pending deposit on their account
>they’re a (((public school teacher))) and their classes got cancelled (even zoom) so they’re getting paid to sit around and drink and get high on the taxpayers dime
>meanwhile I still have to go outside and work because I’m “””””essential”””””
>I don’t even get trumpbux to make up for it even though I filed a return last year
>can’t say “fuck it” and go on unemployment because the unemployment offices infrastructure is absolutely decimated
T-thanks, orange jewslave man


i feel you but you shouldn't complain about other benefits, you should ask for the same

if you filed a direct deposit last year( for 2018 salary) you should get one

>you shouldn't complain about other benefits, you should ask for the same
What do you mean? Obviously I’m not getting any trumpbux or mine are being delayed because I’m not part of a politically empowered demographic like (((public school teachers))) who spend their time drinking and getting high on taxpayer money are

Most people are getting them Wednesday.

>tfw no trumpbux

I owed student loans last year so I didn’t have any direct deposit to speak of on my return (on the federal level). I don’t remember my accountant asking me for any banking info on my federal tax form. All my coronabux are gonna get drank and smoked away by the niggers and single mothers while I work my ass off during this fucking pandemic.

Yeah keep blaming us black people because you won't do your own fucking research into getting your stimulus check. Enjoy the "essential" (walmart greeter) job, faggot.

I’m an electrician you subhuman big lipped giant nostriled pavement ape. You’re confusing me with your “grandmammy” who raised you after your mom overdosed on crack and your dad got shot by the police stealing money for crack lmao

If you file taxes this year(for 2019 salary), and input your bank account for direct deposit you should be able to go to the IRS website to get one


Do some research on the IRS site or Turbotax to get yours, you stupid inbred hick. They literally have pages for submitting the info for the stimulus check direct deposit. And also take your meds you fucking schizo.

>having student loans while being an electrician
>having an accountant while still paying off student loans
Yeah this sounds like bullshit

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Yeah nice trade job faggot. Sounds lucrative. I get paid to go to law school (GI Bill because I gamed the system) so not only will I get a fatty stimulus check but I'll also get the GI Bill check. Enjoy your lucrative manual labor job buddy.

I dropped out of college to take care of my father (that thing you niggers never seem to have) and I picked up a skilled trade (something with an enjoyable lack of niggers) as a segue.

Not like you shines ever know anything about money unless you get signed into the NBA or you make a famous ooga booga rap album about your “fresh ass j’s”

Enjoy getting your job outsourced to legalzoom and telecommuting pajeets. Either that or you toil away in an underpaid position in a third rate firm because you aren’t related to/friends with the (((right people))). Meanwhile I can get a job in any state I want since my license reciprocates just like the CCW licenses you limpwrists are so scared of us normal citizens getting. You can get price gouged by us to put in a 2 pole 50a breaker to charge your Tesla soimobile or you can pay Paco $40 to do it and he’ll burn your hovel down since he doesn’t know what the NEC is.

Not to mention my career will always be in demand. Your career will be replaced by quantum computers and “lawyer in a box” nonwhites who will churn out boilerplate contracts and wills and trusts for cents on the dollar.

The blue collar chadtermensch makes the eternal soiboi seethe

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>doesn't know how to research stimulus checks
>ooga booga
>fresh ass j's
ok boomer

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>why yes I smoke crack and kill people for shoes then get mad if people call me out on it
>how you finna know dat

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If you look far enough ahead I'd say electrician would be a job that could be handled by a robot of some kind.

>mfw employer has been paying me 30 hours for past 3 weeks, they've been filing unemployment for me, the 600 bucks which is 500 after taxes, and 1200
I'm making more money than if I were actually working. Hope this quarantine shit lasts longer so I can start investing money into some shit once I pay off my car. Motherfuckers bitching about staying at home are retarded, actually having money saved up so you're not one week away from starving, and that's why you live with people instead of trying to be independent on shit minimum wage.

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So why didn't Eli actually try fighting Daniel? If Eli actually stood up instead of expecting to get paid with his hand out like a nigger he could have made money. Paul was the Chad of their family and Eli was a literal virgin.

u sound mad lol

Not that user but what if a robot short circuits then takes out a power grid or just malfunctions in general? Can't make a robot out of plastic since plastic doesn't conduct electricity and you need metal to make any part of a robot.