I'm so depressed bros. This lockdown shit is killing me can't take it anymore. What movie should I watch for this feel?
I'm so depressed bros. This lockdown shit is killing me can't take it anymore. What movie should I watch for this feel?
What would you be doing exactly if there wasn't a lockdown. I'm curious
Nineteen Eighty-Four
now imagine if only you were locked down and it never ended, and the quarantine was placed by your own dysfunction
some modern kafka needs to write a story using this as allegory
commuting to work. seeing my friends. going clubbing on saturdays.
for the past month I've done nothing but stay home. it's no fucking way for a person to live.
My family keeps calling me and asking how i'm doing during this quarantine time and I keep having to pretend "oh it's so hard" or "ah yeah I'm struggling but making it through!".
In reality it's no different than what I would normally be doing every day... My life is kinda sad.
I'd be going fucking outside.
Breaking Away always puts a smile on my face. Ciao, pepe!
suck it up buttercup
Who needs a modern kafka when he already exists in the form of you and many others. Write a book
I’m wondering the same thing too, I’m literally doing the same routine I’ve always done. I can’t wrap my head around the desolation and depression everyone has been talking about, maybe I’m not normie enough to understand?
i barely went out before lockdown anyway and was reclusive by choice, but this is different. i would at least go to the gym regularly and it would make all the difference. not being able to work out and not just seeing random girls regularly and flirting/smiling is the worst part.
My best friends are flipping out and aside from seeing them once every week or two, literally nothing has changed in my life.
>The Yas Forums chronicles
you trying to drive OP to suicide?
You're an imposter for I am the real Craig T. Nelson
Kill yourself normalfag reddit nigger.
Since there's kindred spirits in here:
What antidepressant do i ask my psychiatrist for tommorow?
I have no anxiety but feel no joy in anything
you're one of them faggot
I don't think antidpressants are gonna make you feel joy in anything, especially if you don't have anxiety as depression and anxiety go hand in hand. could be wrong though. when i tried ssrsi I just felt... blank.
I put the trip on out of spite of that shitty April 1rst gag. Well that & my genuine love for the sitcom Coach. Why'd you do it?
Sneed chuck sneed sneed chuck, sneed chuck feed?
Sneed sneed sneed sneed chuck seed feed. Sneed sneed sneed feed seed! Sneeed sneed sneed. Feed sneed chuck sneed sneed. Chuck sneed sneeed sneed, chuck sneed chuck. Sneed? Sneed sneed fuck.
Sneed, sneed sneed sneed, feed seed. Feed seed!
What's killing me the most is sobriety.
Fuck off normalfaggot rat
sorry to tell you but you're not a special snowflake just because you jerk off all day and are a social retard dickhead
Why are you so mean, user :(
You go to the darkwebs and buy tramadol.
Feel better. There's a huge storm blowing through my area and the power has just been knocked out. Estimated restoration time is somewhere between twelve and seventy-two hours. There goes all the refrigerated food I just bought for this week. Normally, I'd go somewhere during such a situation. Can't. I'm currently sitting in my car keeping my phone charged because it's my only alarm for work.... BUT it could all STILL be a lot, lot worse.
lmao, cry about it fucknugget.
Enjoy having your social life slowly unravel.
lol k incel, have a good life.
Go back to facebok retard
I had absolutely no money going into this shit
now I have no food. I had like $30 worth of bottles and cans to turn in but all the bottle drop places are now closed
and now I can't get a job either
just kidding on that last part, I haven't tried
I think I'm just going to slowly die of starvation, that's a pretty based way to commit suicide, right?
>cries about being at home
>y-you sn-noflake
I tried going outside today but the weather is absolute shit. I'm going to cook some hamburgers and get drunk and watch AmazonKane.
but you're not a snowflake lol. the whole "normalfag" thing is written by retarded neckbeards that liken themselves to socrates or some shit. you're just a bunch of fucking genetic dead ends in your mom's basements, shit is unironically comical. i cant believe you spend literally every day like this lmao
You're stuck here with us at least until summer.
In the UK the weather has been amazing for ages now. It's never good in the UK. It's insane. It's like god is trying to piss everyone off.
Ah bloo bloo. Cry more normalfag.
God Chinese. God make joke,
normalfaggot niggers suck my sneed
Hey fuckhead, you know you can work out at home right?
We're never getting out
It's literally just social alcoholics and other addicts that are suffering.
I wish