I hate his character but damn this motherfucker can act. Also, wtf was his problem
I hate his character but damn this motherfucker can act. Also, wtf was his problem
Bipolar Disorder. It causes men to act like women.
>I hate his character but damn this motherfucker can act
This. Unbelievable snub if he doesnt win some awards next year.
Everything could have worked out if he just took his medicine
>don't put me in the hospital
Just take your medicine bro
>we are going to die because I told her daughter everything and now I have to run
Just take your fucking medicine and live on the farm.
couldn't stay on his meds
His complete inability to not fuck up was pretty frustrating but also accurate for some people with BP. You can also genuinely sense that a hospital would be bad for him. But living on a farm would probably also be tough for him. Tragic character
But he was doing fine while on his medicine living in their home before. It's like nobody cared to force him to take his meds so it could go back to normal. He was too frustrating.
If his acting is good it's only in comparison to the ham fisted shitty soap opera tier acting of the rest of the cast. I had to stop watching it
and he went off his medicine simply because he couldn't get hard after 5 seconds of a fully clothed girl on top of him
I don't know this character or the show but from the super-gay blue tint, I'm guessing Ozark?
True but he fell in love and the meds came in the way of that. If he was a little more autistic he couldve just avoided women altogether but hes a goodlooking bipolar chad
I disagree and enjoyed the show
my son you have two options
>be in love and take your medicine so you can live together but not have sex
>be in love and don't take your medicine and never see each other again and most likely get both of you killed
How was he so stupid?
lol you get a boner long before you start fucking someone, and if you dont think being emasculated like that by your own mental condition would make someone with bp make a rash decision you arent applying much thought to it
im sure there are ways for bipolar people to get a boner
Literally what did he do wrong?
a little ironic that he got his fame in soap opera
That's fine I liked the first 2 seasons
Isn't he the guy from the mid 2000s comedies that did the walrus movie?
>hey I'm just going to tell this woman's daughter that she's a horrible person even though I know she works for a Mexican drug cartel
Yeah, he did a great job. Very charismatic in the beginning and then great job with the retardation. I have bipolar relatives and it was tragically accurate.
>the walrus movie
Tusk? Justin Long? not him
all i know is i looked him up to see what he's been in but it's mostly been tv, and he's got emmys from a couple of soap operas
Ward from Iron Fist, I think he did a Nazi in Justified
Yeah he was great in Ironfist.
it's Banshee, whatever the fuck that is
When i looked him up weeks ago his top pic results were him in pic-related lol
>Ward from Iron Fist
Oh shit, yeah! Another completely terrible character that was still made compelling because of this dude's skill.
Viagra/cialis works, but it apparently doesn't exist in ozark universe. Either that of he couldn't swing the co-pays.
Is this really what BP people are like? I thought being easily triggered by things was more of a Borderline/PTSD thing while bipolar people cycle between different states
not maintaining an erection is pretty common and is caused by a bunch of factors
you should be worried if the problem persists, and if it is caused by a physiologic problem rather than a psychological one, then you're fucked
that being said, not getting hard before even foreplay started was no reason to go off your meds and destroy your whole life, he was just a idiot schizo who didn't want to take his meds
Yes. The mania is often incomprehensibly paranoid and illogical.
Banshee. He played an ex nazi turned cop. Amazing actor
He had bipolar disorder, he didn't want to take his medicine, and he found out that his sister was laundering money for the cartel. He was right that in a way, it was everyone else that was acting weird by acting like it was normal to launder cartel money.
I'm starting to hate how bipolar disorder is portrayed in pop culture. It's just being used as a way for characters to act irrational when that's not how people with BP act.