Post your favorite sword and sorcery movies

Post your favorite sword and sorcery movies

>Fire and Ice (1983)

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Red Sonja.

Gosh, it's been a really long time since I watched this.

I dont understand that image



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-13th warrior
-pic related if course

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It's making fun of people who get buttmad over characters that logically should not exist in their setting, or one their actors should not be portraying (there weren't many black knights in medieval Europe), while also suggesting that these same people will fervently defend bikini armor (which is even more silly).

But in reality, it's OK to want historical accuracy in television & movies, and also be able to enjoy sillyness in fantasy videogames.

it's wrong to make things that men enjoy watching because they deserve to be punished for being born men...because that's equality

>oh no he's enjoying the stripperific fantasy game more than our beautiful fantasy full of diversity and female empowerment
>wrong think wrong think wrong think!

Women would rather look like the skimpy outfit girl than the girl in full armor.

Excellent movie, very sweet story and ending.

just to get the comic debate out of the way.

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Don't do it. You will be disappoint.

It's simple, 2bh
>Niggers and le strong wymin dyke pandering in Medieval or Medieval Fantasy - Cringe
>Hot women designed for a tongue-in-cheek fantasy romp - Based
If these writers and bugmen learned this sooner, there'd be no issue.

I don't even really understand why the guy that drew this thought he was making a cogent point. Just because both are technically Medieval fantasies? Does this idiot not think there's a gradient for how one enjoys their recreational media? It'd be like if I compared Homeward Bound to a David Attenborough nature documentary and implied that you can't enjoy seeing animals in realistic AND unrealistic contexts. It's a retarded contrast that he highlighted because of the most tenuous relation.

All media is propagandic to some degree, nothing is pure entertainment. This argument is dumb.

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what about Hardcore Henry

except that one

honestly its like the entire internet forgot the phrase ''sex sells''

You're putting too much thoughts into this
>things macho men like = bad
>things feminists think brown people like = good

I'm gonna watch Fire and Ice in about an hour if anybody wants to come watch it with me

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Obviously he got tired of consuming linear entertainment and opted for something more interactive

fag of thrones had a huge dyke wearing platemail as one of the major side characters and pretty much everyone loved her
what a stupid comic

Because it stopped selling once everyone had access to unlimited pornography of every type.

Something that’s actually been forgotten is “you can’t please everyone.”

The Beastmaster
Masters of the Universe
The Sword & the Sorcerer

>Niggers and women in medieval armor
Yeah, I'm not watching that.

It makes the false equivalence that a TV show claiming to be historically accurate and a video game about dragons and God should be held on the same level.

Tv is only for femoids and nigs now.

I don't watch media meant to demoralize me. I don't watch a lot of movies and shows now.

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>(there weren't many black knights in medieval Europe)

There were zero.

The author is acting as if the complaint is simply lack of realism.

But it’s mostly to get attention. As the more idiotic your position, the more people will line up to inform you of how idiotic your position is.

That's actually pretty based.

>Fun is not allowed anymore.

i really hate this fucking era

Reminder that women are so obsessed about the approval of men they make comics like this. Never have I seen so many shitty webcomics about the dumb shit women watch. They unironically watch reality TV.

>All media is propagandic to some degree
That just means you have never encountered propaganda.

There was at least one

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Fucking hypocrites

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Imagine being a normalnigger watching GoT. And then to make it worse you try to appeal to popular opinion within a fandom of faggots as your justification for being right in your fag opinion. Go back.

Exactly, not many.

It becomes funny when you realize they think it’s actually real too.

god fuck that's so retarded looking

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Men being attracted to voluptuous women is bad.

Men being attracted to boyish women (male) is good.

This is literally what leftists think.

Wait a minute, wasn't he a time traveler?

This is good

>I'm so pathetic I get my feelings hurt when the nth rendition of a character from a myth doesn't resemble the people of the land from which the myth is derived

>watch this thing

he also invented fire in that movie

>I'm so pathetic I get my feelings hurt when the people on the screen don't look like me, so I hijack legends and stories and """reinterpret""" them to make myself feel better!

>I'm so pathetic I get my feelings hurt when the nth comment of an anonymous user from a website doesn't resemble the same opinion of the my website from which my views originate.