I know right? It's laughable it took this long to get a good cast in a good Dune movie.
What is supposed to be funny, you autist?
I see you follow Grimes too.
is this suppossed to be a bad cast?
>that Chani
>still not Dali as the emperor
Why is it so white?
not a big fan of Timothee
>the God emperor is a nigger now
yeah I won't be paying for this
Pic related should have been Paul.
What Bautista?
He is a good actor, he was the only good thing in Blade Runner, too bad his character died so fast
I only know Dune from the porn game adaptation, should I read it? It's got some interesting lore from what I can tell from the game. And what about Lynch's adaptation is it watchable?
good supporting cast but terrible main cast
fucking kill me
>no black people
How did they get away with this?
I read the first three or four books, can't remember exactly off of the top of my head. The lore is interesting, but his writing style is really dry. It felt like I was reading a history book most of the time.
i read the audiobook of God Emperor of Dune, shit is cash
kino cast you retard
The porn game is actually the closest adaptation to the book. It follows the story pretty damn well.
right here
Could be a good beast rabban. I'm reserving judgment, Villeneuve probably saw something he really liked from blade runner.
>i read the audiobook
>I only know Dune from the porn game adaptation
I love this fucking board sometimes
I can't believe the cast is 50% white! It's racist! We all know the cast should be 1% white at most!!
The first two books are classics and self contained. Shit gets weird after that and the other books happen after a huge time jump.
BASED. OP is a massive faggot
Wow, I didn't know they made gays this ugly and gay looking
Are you mad because they'll have to get biracial actors for Children of Dune?
>he suppose to look like Paul in Lynch's Dune.
really user?
>White man bad
>Brown man good
I'm getting really fucking tired of this racism targeted at whites. Really makes American movies unreachable.
Actually a pretty solid cast.
you can stop samefagging anytime timmyfag
You should start a metal band called white genocide and get your angst out that way.
>Really makes American movies unreachable
Okay. Don't reach them then, simple as
casting looks good desu
only one I'm unsure about is Mamoa as Duncan, from what I've seen Mamoa just plays the same 'character' in every movie
What the fuck is that Baron Harkonnen casting, isn't he supposed to be subhuman
Lynch's Dune is atrocious and doesn't really follow the books very well, I would avoid it.
The end of part 2 was one of the most mind-blowing things I've ever read. Every character plays this pivotal part in making Paul, PAUL. Every action in the story leads to this great unraveling of circumstance that drives the whole plot. Jessica's mistakes, the mentat, the Fremen, the Harkonnens, Gurney. It all comes together so beautifully. Even Chani, the most useless character in the story, still plays a part.
Decadent and gross but not subhuman. They'll probably give him a fatsuit and warty makeup. I think skarsgard is good casting though.
>Jason Mamoa
THat's so fucking trash.
Zendaya is a trash meme flavor of the month pick as well.
Oh well, with so many roles, I won't demand a perfect cast.
Rest are acceptable. Stellan will be kino.
Feyd-Rautha is going to be a platinum blonde with blue eyes for sure.
*should of
Isabel Moner should have been Chani.
>I'm not meming.
>flavor of the month
What's with the resurgence of this 70 year old boomer phrase? Did discord trannies appropriate it recently or something? Next you'll be shitting up the thread with mass replies about "Netflix shills". 0/10 tranny trend
OP seething
Must suck to start an autistic hate thread and then have no one agree with you LOL