Is there any Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul character for which you'd like to see another spin-off series?

Is there any Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul character for which you'd like to see another spin-off series?

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Does anybody have a link to a stream or torrent?

Bogdan, the romanian car wash owner, and his eyebrows.

walt jr and his breakfast antics

Gus building his empire maybe, but probably not feasible due to the actors age.

Badger and Skinny Pete (Sitcom)
Lydia (Porn)

>making a spinoff about the worst part of Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad
that sounds so dreadfully boring holy shit

The Salamancas

Gustavo in Chile would be kino


They guy with the yellow hummer

The adventures of Skinny Pete and Badger. Combo could show up in flashbacks

Vince can turn anything into gold. I wouldn't have believed he could take a one-note minor character, and turn him into the protagonist of the superior show.
At this point, perhaps they should do a whole new show.

buy amc premiere and support kino you freeloading nigger

Ken (the stock broker guy)

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>36 years old




predict tonights episode AND season finale

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Lalo has the charisma to carry a series. A series about the salamanca family would be great

Im pretty sure we already know exactly what's going to happen, we've had all the important parts revealed through sneak peeks

>Jimmy bails lalo out
>the 7 mil put eyes on Lalo
>lalo wants to leave
>Mike and Gus figure out how to kill lalo in mexico
>kim twerks for the last 20 minutes of the episode

Absolutely based

something bad happens to kim probably, I cant put my finger on what maybe she gets kidnapped as collateral by the cartel until jimmy gets lalo his money. kim being kidnapped will then cause conflict between jimmy and her because she will feel like both of them are in danger because of jimmy

>>kim twerks for the last 20 minutes of the episode

sounds like a good episode

Are you surprised? Vince always delivers

i dropped this show when eminem started playing desu

it wasn't eminem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that wasn't even eminem but i get what you're saying, i dropped it when they kept ignoring the elephant in the room of how mike is still alive despite walter shooting him in breaking bad

Kim's feet

Vacuum man and his wacky escapades giving people new lives.

same. and for the people calling BCS a """prequel""" of breaking bad, then how do you explain that Kaylee is much older than she was in breaking bad?

The German guys build things.

A microscopic survey of Kim's anal corona

Stream for tonight's ep?


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eminem, slim shady, whatever

An unironic sitcom would be fantastic. A stoner-comedy tier one season adventure involving Mongoose and Anemic Richard would make my dick very hard.

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Mfw I don't like this and i don't want him to do this


Kim prequel obviously

I'd honestly like to see a couple more movies akin to El Camino for some of the other characters, but probably the only one left who they'd be able to make one for would be Gus, and to some degree his mysterious past is part of his character.

That gif sums up every mans attempt at convincing his woman to let him in her backdoor and give up that ass.

>Kim starts twerking
>camera literally goes up her ass through her digestive system
>french 60s pop song plays
>we watch through her teeth as Kevin hires her to be his executive Vice President
>episode ends with her eating ice cream