What's her endgame?

What's her endgame?

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She keeps aiming younger. Next she's gonna be dating a high schooler

>dating an older woman AND a used up roastie

I have that guy's body type
Does the skellington look really get women wet?

She keeps going after people with huge cocks.

She wants big cock and the stamina to fuck her 5 times a day.

Forty Quinn is doing well for himself these days

This dudes barely even famous and he looks like an incel so I dont get it

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female chads are even chadder than male chads

Huge dick obviously

I was hoping that was him... it's not. that dude's great tho

She's already old and has had children, now she is just looking to ride out into the sunset of carnal pleasures

She's getting older, men in power aren't throwing themselves at her anymore. She gets with a guy that is less famous and probably showers her with affection to control the relationship.

Makes sense to me to be honest. She has all the power in the relationship.

Never got the appeal of Beckinsale. Hurley is older and way hotter and the younger ones are also hotter.

only iuf you are huge downstairs and upstairs plus babyface

I do have babyface even with a strong jawline. Women have told me I'm attractive, but it's hard to keep them when they find out you're a sexual degenerate racist autist

Why does a guy like Leo catch shit for dating younger women, but a chick like Kate doesn't for dating younger dudes?

She's clearly a nympho, she needs the young guys for their stamina


SHE VAMPIRE LOVER .. an we can HER EX VANISHED RIGHT . ALL GONE .. MKedia she sh.. tip tap tip tap .. Already Gone You an that ,.we ?Ended ok . But you said shit . on lobstster boat . .
No Replie went down all dead !

she already has an adult child, and has enough money to retire, so doesn't need to settle down and find a husband

so she's doing whatever she wants while she can

SHE IS A VERY ANGRY DEMON... she LOVES THIS ... an she Fun , WE RESPECT /NHS.. But ...I Got a Live one here , Not another an I I will Tell i.. it Now Get Out an* Be NORMAL OK * seriously IS !

Feminism is just hating men

She probably slams her pusy into his mouth and he just takes it like a good lad.

Is this spamming or low quality posts?

She a narcissist that only cares and thinks about herself. She's bringing truckloads of z-lister young man home just to fuck her all day every day. And her daughter, who's the same age as those boys has to watch her mother humiliating her and herself like that.

Kate will die alone and bitter. Her daughter will die of overdose within 5 years.

Correction, white men. Black men, Arabs, etc. get a free pass.

Why would he go after the used up slag instead of her better looking, more fertile daughter who is closer to his age
I would give her daughter a dozen babies if I had the opportunity

based whore. I hope pete davidson kills himself.

Because Kate is a has-been that no one cares about these days. If she was A-list it would definitely be different.


Kate gets shit too.

Someone post pics of her daughter please

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read the comments in the article and you'll see a lot of old women against this relationship too

>her better looking, more fertile daughter
She looks exactly her fucking dad

>better looking
did you get new glasses?

>dating bisexual junky look a likes
double just

lily is super fuckable, especially since she acts like such a skank.

but kate is leagues more attractive than her.

>Women have told me I'm attractive, but it's hard to keep them when they find out you're a sexual degenerate racist autist
same, except I'm a misogynist and also instead women tell me im ugly

so i know that feel bro

>what's her endgame?
Attention or an attempt to stay relevant as her career is dead/dying.

she’s his beard

My wife is the younger sister of a girl I met in a video game forum who uses Yas Forums
I send her some of the driest racial hatred you see on here because its fucking funny

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Yas Forumsincels keep posting that pic but if a 3rd wave feminist commie gave them attention they would fuck her without thinking twice

T the Face an we Saying . !!.. an nn koke . Ost an Rated loser an !I killed him . an UI /social am an Top Cat ,
Kill your Pets like nothing non of mine at mine