Flash rumored to retcon Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, and Justice League and introduce Pattinson's Batman into the continuity.
The movie will move forward with or without Ezra Miller.
Take it with a grain of salt.
Flash rumored to retcon Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, and Justice League and introduce Pattinson's Batman into the continuity.
The movie will move forward with or without Ezra Miller.
Take it with a grain of salt.
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Hopefully without, that tranny sucks as Flash.
Does the DC movieverse even have a consistent continuity anymore anyway?
why though? batman has literally nothing to do next to superpowered pepople like the jl, he works best as standalone dealing with his own smaller scale shit
Sort of. They happen in the same universe, it's just not important as there is no overall plan.
bring in Phoenix's joker too while youre at it
snyderbros just keep getting cucked
How would that even work?
joker invents a time machine
Because nobody gives a shit about that retard. Its all make believe to begin with. If done right batman is great with other heroes to bounce off of
I want to fuck that tranny
A big part of Batman's appeal comes from the fact that people expect him to best the gods despite being a mere mortal. He's the world's greatest detective, and expert at like every field known to man. Which do you think people remember most from BvS? Batman kicking the ever loving fuck out Superman or that cgi troll fight where Wonder Woman and Superman were just hurling shit and using laser eyes for 20 minutes?
Yes. There are no inconsistencies but post Justice League there are no real references or connectivity beyond things like 1 or 2 lines mentioning other characters simply existing.
What do you call this body type
>Take it with a grain of salt
It's hilarious how capefags latch on to any rumor or unconfirmed crap as long as that qualifier is added at the end
It's a popular fan theory that's been around ever since Affleck and Cavill looked to be on the way out
joker keeps pulling big boners
I don't watch capeshit so I do not care
Would only be ok with this if they recast flash.
>the sole character they relies on to retcon all the recasting needs to get recast too
It’s hilarious
The warehouse fight scene
Bring back Affleck. Keep Pattinson as some stand alone thing like joker.
This isn't a new rumor, it was posted on Yas Forums months ago: archive.4plebs.org
I'm still waiting for a good Green Lantern movie, or for him to even appear in these films...
i haven't even considered that they'll be putting pattinson batman in crossover shit
he'll either elevate it single-handedly or i'll just wish they weren't wasting his time
Ezra is not charged and the girl didn’t press charges so there’s no real reason to recast
He’s a kike and WB will protect him
Miller would beat the shit out of Pattinson.
>retcon Man of Steel, Batman v Superman
Is a shame that most people can't recognize Kino when they see one.
It's just cringe to see everyone acting like he's a big deal when he is the weakest character in the rooms everytime
>zack snyder made movies so bad they have to retcon it