Seriously, what was her fucking problem? One of the most annoying female characters I've seen in a while

Seriously, what was her fucking problem? One of the most annoying female characters I've seen in a while

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Femme Fatale

She is an asshole.


Thats the whole point

literal whore

She was a good digger, drug addict. The real question is: what did Rothstein see in her?

i was more pissed of at ace for keeping up with her bullshit than with her for doing it desu
fucking stupid jew

She made it pretty clear early on that she was, and will always be a gold digging rancid bitch that will never be faithful.

If Rothstein was that high on pussy to not see it then he deserved every bit of her shit.

She was a fucking whore, who was hung up on her ex-pimp.
The real fucking idiot was Ace still marrying that after she initially turned down his proposal.
Stone is so good in this film that it makes it hard to watch. She fucking ruins a 30+ year friendship.

If you think Casino is better than Goodfellas (Scorsese's fifth best film), you're a fucking brainlet

She's so much better looking with long hair. Too many woman tried to copy Sharon stones short haircut yuck

nobody thinks that.
Casino is sloppy as hell, good/fun movie, but not even top 5.

Basic Instinct is undeniably her peak

You're the real brainlet. It's widely known Casino is way better than Memefellas simply because of Joe pesci

>Implying Ace and Nicky were really friends
Nicky was a fuck up. He and Ace were ruined by Nicky setting up shop in Vegas and getting heat on him

>When you love someone, you've gotta trust them. There's no other way. You've got to give them the key to everything that's yours. Otherwise, what's the point?

Was he right?

Yes. If you don't trust someone, I mean like he says what's the fucking point? You want to spend a relationship constantly looking over your shoulder?

That didn't help, sure. Still, Nicky resisted Ginger for as long as he could.
Even when he eventually cucked him and she suggested killing Ace, he angrily rejected that idea.
Still, Ginger made such a mess in the end that it seems that Nicky tried that car-bomb.

Nicky didn't want to kill Ace because the bosses were making money off of him and it would have been obvious who did it. The bosses were on Ace's side

She was one of the most honest female characters ever portrayed.

I literally just rewatched this yesterday O_O

no it's total recall

The idea is that you wouldn't give them everything in the first place, at the expense of truly knowing them.

This. She was hot in Basic Instinct and I love that movie and her in it, but she was something else in Total Recall.

Women will fuck up your life. You could be lucky and learn it from a movie, or you can just let a couple wreck you like a retard.

Then it's not even a relationship

I let one try to wreck me, like a retard. Sometimes the best lessons are learned the hard way.

She was a bitch. You know that. You can't turn a hooker into a housewife.

Of course it is, but it's partial. Are you telling me you've never held back crucial things from your partner/friends/parents etc.?

kino shot

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Well yes, early on, but if you're planning on spending your life with someone then eventually it comes out

>Are you telling me you've never held back crucial things from your partner
Not him but whenever I did that the relationship didn't last very long

This is true


This movie is one of the most redpilled movies on women ever. I was worried at first it would try to make her seem "not that bad" but it really went all the way.

Whenever I see the Skylar/wife from Ozarks/whatever bitch threads, I always think of this character. She's the worst of the worst. And you can't even feel bad for Sam, he chose to marry and impregnate and trust! a whore.

The thing he does to convince her to marry him is give her a shitload of money as collateral that she was free to have if she ever wanted to walk away, no hard feelings.
I mean she's an evil thundercunt of a woman, but she was honest and up front about it. Ace getting his head stuck up his ass was the ultimate problem, also how almost all of the bullshit in the story could have been avoided by not firing that comissioner's brother in law and instead just putting him in an office somewhere and have him be vice president of counting pencils.

She was a typical vegas junkie whore behaving as typical vegas junkie whores do. Better question is what the fuck was Rothstein's problem for letting her ruin his life?

I felt bad for their daughter
>literally tied to the bed

He looks like a fucking kid in this movie!

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These are kind of the points of the question poised at the start of the film. The more you open up, the more vulnerable you become. The less you open up, the more secure you are. Can you maintain that throughout, will you let things slip, or become comfortable and gradually open up.

In regular relationships the cost is getting your feelings hurt, if you're a high-level mobster in Vegas like Rothstein it can potentially kill you

Ace really was a jerk. They're fucking muffins man let it go.

Ace was an autistic jew