He's been self-quarantined for years. He was way ahead of the curve

>he's been self-quarantined for years. He was way ahead of the curve.

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>He knew this was comin' fuckin' commie sleeper agent...I'm callin in the red ties

>the guy has barely gone outside for the last two years
>even then it's just to get some KFC and smokes
>It's like he knew this corona virus was coming
>I want this guy found, I want to know what he knows

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>no job
>no girlfriend
>no parking tickets
>it's like this guy doesn't exist

>He's like a ghost...

>Check his netflix account... lets see what entertains this sick fuck.
>Sir I...

>Track down his previous school friends see if they know anything about him

>he knew. he fucking knew. get the president on the line

I love these threads bump

>you aren't gonna believe this sir
>he doesn't have a netflix account, and he hasn't spoken to any of his friends in over 10 years

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>Sir, you are the president...

>dear God... we're doomed.

these threads are too on the mark, have you been stalking me

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>we are watching his house around the clock to see when he leaves. Johnson I won’t sleep until I find something god dammit!

>pull this guys plates. I want to know everywhere he's been in the past year.
>sir... he doesn't have a car...

>Fuck, he's on to us! We need to move NOW!

>Sir, theres something off about the collection of girls he has on his external harddrive.
>What do you mean, Agent? These girls look like quite the lookers to me.
>Sir... zoom in on the the crotch area...
>My God.

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>but sir why do we need to monitor this guy? What crime has he committed?

>sir he's starting to question our "bait" threads on his favorite 2D digestion website, he might stop feeding us information, we're worried he'll go ghost again
>Dammit kid we have too much at cost here make sure he stays posting!

>SIR, THIS JUST IN... he is the car

>Get used to it, rookie.

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>Don't ask questions above your paygrade, rookie...

>What? What about a drivers licence??
>He doesn't have one
>How can that be, hes in his mid 20s?!?!?!
>Sir he just...never got one
>Jesus Christ this guy was five steps ahead from the start

>The worst crime of all, Johnson, Yas Forums posts.


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I'm 30 and still don't have a drivers license

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Mother of God...

>You're gonna wanna see this captain. Looks pretty bad.
What is it, Jenkins?
>Sir, you're not gonna believe this . . . but . . .
Spit it out! What's this new info you've got!
>Sir, he does it . . . for free . . .
Dear God, call the Pentagon, tell them it's an emergency! Now, Jenkins!

>I think I'm going to be sick

>Johnson we're at a complete fucking halt on the case, the guy is a model citizen, hasn't left his house once
>take a look at his internet history sir
>w... wait a second, it's only those japanese cartoons, does he know there's a global pandemic?
>sir... I don't think he even knows if he's alive


>Sir, we think we might have found a way to get close to him
>Well spit it out, what have you found out
>A girl, cashier at a store he went to once that smiled at him. Our reports show he still thinks about her from time to time
>......That's impossible, that interaction happened 2 years ago
>We know, but right now she's our only hope
>.....Bring her in

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i only have birth certificate tbqh

>Suck it in Johnson. We're only just getting started. We're going to have to reach out to our contact Hiroyuki to get his entire posting history. Save your puke for when you see what's in that.

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High school diploma?