For Jean Grey and Sansa Stark
Who else were perfect cast
Bale for Batman and Bateman
For Jean Grey and Sansa Stark
Who else were perfect cast
Bale for Batman and Bateman
Ryan Gosling for BR2049
She was perfect for Sansa but idk what the fuck were they thinking a small goblin as her sister?
all of the Stark kids are gorgeous but her
>ywn be smothered by sansa's lemon cakes
let's get this out of the way
JK simmons as jj jameson
God I want to fuck Sansa. She looks prime here. But when you see her out in public, with tattoos, saggy bruised skin, etc. you realize she's just a disgusting British slag.
Emilia Clarke as Louisa Clarke and Daenerys Targaryen
>perfect cast
Fuck no. Sophie Turner is a terrible actress, you wanting to fuck that goblin doesn't make it so
Pity she can't act
ugly shop
You say this in a thread that opened with Sophie Turner
Still I mean
Karl Urban as Judge Dredd
>reality doesnt look like anime
No shit lmao
Ron Perlman as Hellboy
--From Blade
this movie is trash
Can someone make of these about this scene?:
"Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew."
You’re in a GoT thread, there’s no room to criticize.
Aidan Gillen as C.I.A
What happened to her? Is she still cute or did she take the feminist pill and turn into a zombie dyke?
Martin isn't a great writer but not even he would write this you hack.
literally all women are feminist dykes now, user.
For you
Almost every character in The Sopranos.
>trash movie with uncanny cgi alien face
There's a lot to criticize the MCU for but they have really good casting for the most part. RDJ as Tony Stark is great, same with Chris Evans, Tom Holland and Tom Hiddleston