
BCS 509 waiting room: Episode airs at 9:00pm est
This episode is entitled Bad Choice Road. It was written and directed by Thomas Schanuz

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from what i saw in the trailers i bet it is going to be a slow episode mainly placed in the bail room

The trailer is deliberately vague, the episode is the longest of the season and is setting up the season finale.

will this be the episode that kim gets deep with the cartel?

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How long?

Can't wait
I've pretty bad insomnia and this shit will send me right off

i fucking hate this season. it's all been brba fan service. peaking with the fucking chicken bomb.

and now they are going to kill my gf kim?

you faggots did this. with your incessant complaining about no explosions.

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What are the odds that Kim gets a new vacuum cleaner tonight ?

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I like Kim but this better not be some nonsensical shit.

zero because we have no indication that jimmy has even met that guy yet

0% she's mentioned in the episode 10 synopsis.

way to drop the ball sonia

2 episodes ago was a chicken bomb
last episode mike made a truck flip 6 million times from a single bullet

but yea this episode nothing retarded will happen.

If you love Kim please do not watch tonight’s episode this is your last warning

>last episode mike made a truck flip 6 million times from a single bullet

how the fuck can you retards not understand that the guy could fall on the steering wheel, driving the vehicle out of control

I have no complaints about either of those things personally. However, I will be furious if they completely throw a well written female character out the window for the sake of some female empowerment stance or some shit, in the penultimate episode of Saul Goodman's origin story no less.

ive actually shot tons of people driving cars in afghanistan. that shit does not happen, sweaty.

onions no avocado

this isn't the final season

its the penultimate episode of the penultimate season. they have like 11 more episodes after this bro.

Kim is gonna go full Captain Marvel and stand up to the entire cartel by herself in bullet time. Don’t be surprised if she gets a short haircut.


pretty low.
Robert Forster is dead and it would be pretty disrespectful to bring the character back.
Plus, it's a cheap cop-out to keep using him to write people out of the series.

Yeah I messed up there, I'm aware season 6 has 13 episodes but the point still stands.

You might have missed the first episode of the season user

Will time jannies change the timeline?

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I'm increasingly concerned something like this could actually happen, but I've trusted the writers this whole time and in my opinion there haven't been many moments like this in the show despite opportunities to do so.


think itll stay true. kim was ignorant, she talked to a cartel guy(tinking she was mary sue), signed her death certificate in the process.

He was only brought back because that scene was filmed at the same time as his El Camino scenes. And even then it was only a small scene in the present timeline.

unless his name shows up in the last two episodes of this season, they won't be able to use him for the final season.

theres no way theyd pull some gay shit like that. They already managed to make Kim a 'strong' woman without any of the meme feminist stuff

she's not going to die you fucking retard
you really think saul goodman as a character makes any sense whatsoever in breaking bad if kim died because of some shit he's involved in? have you ever watched the show?

Link, lads?

59 minutes

I hope so. I really enjoy this show, probably more than BB and to see it derailed like that for pandering would be hurtful if I'm being honest.

Anybody got a good place i can watch the stream? i can only find shitty 360p ones.

if i ever run for government office i may let my official army documents come to light.

but no, i am not revealing my identity and ssn so you can see i killed a fucking haji or 5.


stream link?

3.5 hours away you stupid piece of shit. just google "watch bcs streaming free"
