this movie is for parasite what joker is for taxi driver
This movie is for parasite what joker is for taxi driver
No. It’s not.
what does that even mean?
Joker and Taxi driver are pretty different
joker is "i am le crazy society bad" taxi driver but dumbed down
snowpiercer is "rich people bad kill them" parasite but dumbed down
You're sounding really dumbed down yourself retard
>joker is "i am le crazy society bad" taxi driver but dumbed down
Yes, yes, well done Marxists
HOWEVER new evidence has shown that race is important and class isn't
Damn, Connelly rode that train right into the wall. Never thought I'd see the day.
Parasite and Snowpiercer seem really different
God I can't wait to see who is playing the poor family in HBO's Parasite
>tail section weren't even supposed to be on the train, no provision was made for them in the grand scheme of sustainability
>people who bought tickets get what they paid for while they generously build infrastructure to keep the extras alive
>ungrateful libtards fail to see the alternative is death and instead greedily usurp the rest of the train's luxuries, ultimately resulting in the presumed extinction of humanity
if anything the allegory goes the other way
Eh, they're both outlandish socioeconomic allegories from South Korea, that's a lot of shared DNA already
Any time there's a scene in a movie where the villain is eating to symbolize gluttony, the movie is instantly garbage since that's the most basic bitch way of showing off the villain. Snowpiecer does this. Shit movie.
Guess what? The people who made the movie didn't think about this at all. It's Elysium Syndrome, where the audience is literally smarter than the writers
Parasite didn't really seem outlandish
what was particularly outlandish about it?
there was plenty enough to ration to the tail section and basically everyone not in the tail section was a smug brainwashed faggot
Surely you are a retard. Plz save yourself further embarrassment and delete this
so what where Parasite and Snowpiercer supposed to mean?
Death is preferable to the indignities of capitalism
Snowpiercer is an action sci-fi movie whose only sin is that it's not a perfect work of political science (which it never set out to be, it's a fucking action movie). If any other movie was criticized for the reasons Snowpiercer was, no movie would be considered great.
Just imagine if people tried to take apart the politics of Terminator or Alien.
>he's mad that the people in the front were prudent enough to actually buy a ticket for this luxury train and reap the benefits
lol they should have just left you tail faggots on the platform, god damn!
okay seems based to me
the end also shows that the rich lied since if polar bears survived then there had to be plenty of other animals to survive and people in bunkers and shit
You aren't rich so why are you licking boots?
so why where they cunts to the underground woman?
if i were in the position of the tail people i'd do everything in my power to advance my position, but that doesn't make it right
>but that doesn't make it right
yes it does
You didn't pay attention to what the Korean guy said. He said the earth was gradually warming again, and that every year they passed a plane which had been buried in ice and now more and more of it was visible, and he believed the temperature was survivable now.
if it was unsurvivable before i'm pretty sure there wouldn't be a living Polar Bear you idiot.