How would he do his defense Yas Forums?

How would he do his defense Yas Forums?

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the jews deserved it


There's no defense to be made. Look up what they did to the National Socialist to get them to confess during the Nuremburg trails. They broke fingers and toes, popped balls, and when all else failed threatened the families to get them to confess the crimes they did not commit to.

Hilter did 2 things wrong. He kill all the Jews nor did he want to, and he didn't win.

No defense needed, he did nothing wrong.'Neill

>popped balls

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“Name’s Saul GOODMAN. I’m a fellow Jew like yourselves and I say he’s innocent. Case closed.”
*Kims gets angry with him and then smooches him*

A friendly reminder to my fellow anons, don't let them take you alive.

>wooden doors
>gas chamber

Japan had a logical defense. They COULD POTENTIALLY be cut off from their oil supply. which would make them vulnerable for invasion. so it was imperative for them to go to on an offensive war and secure their oil.

Hitler had some rationale, and that TIK guy made a video about it. But it's forgettable because i can't remember it

look my client suffered major brain neurological damage as a result of a french gas attack during the first world war, so he was not fully lucid during his position as the chancellor of the german reich

Doesn't matter. Nuremberg was a circus trial. There's nothing that could have been done. The "guilty" were already predetermined.

Hitler kept himself insulated enough, as long as there's no rats aboard that ship. I mean it was prior to RICO statute. Saul should have no problems here.

wow edgy

Mental Illness, a little bit of Lobotomy and an entire life in the Asylum

Why are Americans and r/4channelers so obsessed with Hitler and the Holocaust?

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>Your Honor, not a single one of these so-called "charges" the prosecution have made against my client were even crimes in Germany at the supposed time they took place. This trial is a sham your Honor and I request the charges be dropped this instant.

a huge number of people here actually believes a kabal of jews rules over the whole world and wants to destroy anything that ever was good

It's funny.

Good thing the charges aren't against breaking G*rman laws then

>Your Honor, you strongly established in this very courtroom, a soldier can not use "I was just following orders" as an excuse, am I correct? Then surely it follows that it's the man who does the deed who is responsible, not any hypothetical man giving any hypothetical orders, correct? Well, the prosecution has never demonstrated that my client has ever personally harmed any jewish individual or bombed any city. He may, hypothetically, in the heat of the moment, offered a few "suggestions" in front of his military staff, but your Honor he can NOT be held responsible if any of these individuals decide to act on these suggestions.

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This would be an actual law firms defense and it would probably work

They certainly do rule over finance. Blackrock is proof enough of that.

>Six MILLION, your honor? I'm ehh, not much of a numbers guy, but that seems a bit silly don't you think?

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not an argument

As if the Nuremberg trials weren't fixed beforehand.

Based. Keep pushing against the Kalergi plan in any way you can

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based? what does that mean? based on what??

based on a true story