Do you ever feel secondhand representation in television?
Do you ever feel secondhand representation in television?
The only people who matter are Americans, Japanese, and Mexicans
no because I want to be entertained and im not a massive new age faggot
>woman's opinion on /film/
God I just fucking hate americans
representation is a fake problem made up hollywood for them to pretend to solve
>people living vicariously through tv
>people being only able to think of the world in terms of pop culture references
Where are we headed
why the fuck don't you just watch indian media you dumb cunt
This is how communism spreads.
feminism was a mistake
Getting real tired of this meme
What in the world?
How are you even supposed to say that? Is it "latinks" or "latin ex"?
Racism. It's what that looks like these days.
It's socially acceptable again too.
was about to say this. do American normies really just not know that there exists film outside of Hollywood? hell even Africans are making their own movies now.
should change to spix
And there I was, thinking "microaggressions" was the rock bottom for their insanity...
>Hidden Figures
Did that movie really make that big of an impact? I remember a bit of shitposting leading up to release and then dead fucking silence. I don't know anyone who's seen it.
These people are so narcissistic. And who the fuck needs someone who "looks like them" to enjoy anything? They just want to talk about and congratulate themselves for social points.
Why Mexicans?
I don't understand this shit at all. I watch films from all over the world and never has it crossed my mind to complain that the only Finns I see are in Finnish films.
Have we really evolved from twitter screenshots to tumblr screenshots
I think it shows a complete lack of imagination, and to some extent empathy.
Representation bullshit and cultural appropriation are exclusively american concepts nobody but them cares about.
absolutely wrong opinion
As a progressive, I felt insulted by the progressivism in the show The deputy.
Why don't these people just watch actual films from India, Latin America, Asia, or Africa instead of waiting for some 3rd or 4th gen. amerimutt with zero connection to their ancestral lands to host a talk show or land a supporting role?
Tell that to BBC and swedish television
Why should i?
Im not entitled to nothing besides my own work.
Representation has metastasised through the entire west at this point.
The anglosphere is not "the west"
I don't ever hear about it outside Yas Forums and other places with lots of anglos tbqh
What you need to realize is that these second/third generation minorities have no connection to their ethnic place of origin. Their parents are often socially conservative and strict, so they reject them and their culture and attempt to fully integrate themselves into the English-speaking "American" community. Some even rebel against learning their parents' language, hence their inability to watch foreign media that isn't widely distributed.
So when they push for diversity and representation in the media, they're really advocating for themselves - pathetic dumbasses that are out of touch with their heritage yet will never truly fit in here, and their skin color is all they can lay claim to. Remember the controversy with the white girl wearing a Chinese dress for prom? They weren't offended because of the perceived trivialization of their culture, they were jealous. "How dare she so casually enjoy my parents' culture when I couldn't."
tumblr screenshots were the OG bait thread starters tho